Government raids, terrorizes Christian health ministry for not complying with unlawful demands
Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Speaking the truth about the curative properties of natural foods and herbs is considered illegal by the U.S. government. The "land of the free" simply does not tolerate freedom of health speech that goes against the group think of mainstream medicine, and millions of tax dollars are spent every year by government agencies to threaten, intimidate, and ultimately shut down companies and ministries that provide natural health products and information to the public. And one such ministry, Daniel Chapter One (DC1), recently bore the brunt of government tyranny when it was raided by a horde of government officials for refusing to kowtow to illegal demands.
Last year, NaturalNews featured an exclusive report on the DC1 case that you can read for yourself at:
It all started back in 2007 when the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an internet sting called "Operation False Cures". Its aim was to rid the U.S. of any and all competition to the conventional cancer industry, which includes natural supplements that provide anti-cancer benefits. The FTC targeted at least 130 companies that were selling anti-cancer herbal supplements and ordered them to stop making all health claims about their products or else face fines and jail time. The agency also ordered the companies to sign documents saying that they had been engaging in illegal activity, even though none of them were proven guilty of committing anything illegal.
Every company on the target list ended up caving to the pressure and complying with the rogue demands, eventually settling out of FTC court -- except for DC1. DC1 refused to comply with the FTC's unlawful demands and instead stood up for its free speech rights. Outraged over the ministry's non-compliance, the FTC then issued a cease and desist order against DC1 to intimidate them further. But the ministry challenged that order with an appeal, and is currently awaiting a proper hearing by a real judge over the matter.
When NaturalNews tried to contact the FTC with questions about the case, the agency did not respond.
A full time line of DC1's case with the FTC can be accessed at:
Daniel Chapter One has been repeatedly denied lawful due process
To this day, DC1 has been denied a proper hearing by a legitimate judge. The ministry was previously subjected to "FTC Court", which is nothing more than a phony government tribunal of sorts that operates outside the rule of law and without a jury. No real hearing has taken place thus far.
As expected, the FTC court originally ruled against DC1 and declared it guilty of violations. But instead of backing down like the others did, the ministry challenged the ruling by appealing to a real court. And immediately after DC1 filed the appeal, the FTC slapped the ministry with a motion for civil injunction, claiming that it was in violation of its cease and desist orders, even though such orders were never lawfully justified in the first place.
On September 14, 2010, a district court judge in Washington, D.C., was set to hear the FTC's motion, but decided that it was outside his jurisdiction to do anything with it. Because DC1 was in the process of filling its appeal to the original FTC allegations, the judge could not make a proper ruling. This is where the situation took a turn for the worse.
Just a week after the case was put on hold, a dozen government henchmen, including agents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID), Rhode Island State Troopers, and local police, paid DC1 a surprise visit. The agents raided the DC1 facility and stole computers, paperwork, files, and other documents, and harassed family members and workers in the process. According to eyewitness testimony, the agents even held Jim Feijo, founder of DC1, at gunpoint.
When asked by NaturalNews about the raid and why it occurred, the FDA did not offer a response.
Jim and his wife Tricia explained to NaturalNews that they have done ministry work around the world for many years, and have never experienced the type of ruthless, tyrannical treatment by a government like they did that terrible morning.
"Worldwide, we've marched with the Chinese students in Tiananmen Square, we were in Poland when communism crashed, we in Eastern European countries when we crossed the wall in Berlin, we were stranded in East Berlin when the East German and West German mark became one...[I] have never, never had a gun pulled on me in any of those communist countries or in any of those situations," explained Jim Feijo in an interview with NaturalNews.
And what was the alleged reasoning for such brutal behavior? The Feijos had received a warning letter from the FDA roughly a year ago that claimed DC1 products were "misbranded drugs", and that the ministry was making false claims about them. Though none of it was true, the FDA came and took some products at that time and never said anything else about it. So DC1 ignored the FDA's false allegations and went on with business as normal. But they believe the raid was connected with that incident.
Interestingly, though, the raid occurred just one week after the FTC was denied its wishes by the district court judge, which seems to point to the fact that various government agencies might be working together behind the scenes to destroy the lives and livelihoods of the Feijos for not bowing to their demands.
"It's suspicious that they came in here the other morning right after the hearing in Washington," said Tricia Feijo, wife of Jim Feijo. "We don't know that it's all related ... but they are trying to crush us, there's no doubt about that. They are trying to crush our ministry."
Daniel Chapter One never made any false claims in the first place
During the original FTC sweep, the agency accused DC1 of making false health claims. But in reality, the company was really only making legitimate structure/function claims about their products in accordance with the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. DC1 also posted customer testimonies that highlighted the various health benefits of the products, which is also fully legal.
"Truthfully, we have relied on DSHEA...which allows for a dietary supplement to make structure/function claims, and that's all we've ever done," explained Tricia. "They really have nothing on us ... but they are trying to tear us down, and if nothing else, just bury us with legal bills."
During the recent raid, armed agents presented the Feijos with a search and seize warrant containing a chilling line item that permitted agents to look for "any and all correspondence, notes, emails, posters, signs, records, books written in electronic, which may be related for the representation in any manner, expressly or by implication, that any DC1 products are articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals."
In other words, agents were granted free reign to search and seize anything they wanted to, as long as they believed it "implied" a use in health. And since the word "implied" is a subjective term, it opens the floodgates to arbitrary search and seizures for no legitimate reason.
"They came in here and went into all of our computers, business and personal, my file cabinets, which this is my homeopathy practice ... it has nothing to do with Daniel Chapter One, but they went through everything looking for even an implied representation that any DC1 product can be used for any aspect of healing illness in man or animals," lamented Tricia. "That's about as broad as you can get."
To make matters worse, agents seized a stack of signed affidavits gathered from customers concerning the legitimacy of DC1 products. Such affidavits were requested from a previous judge, and a lot of time had gone into collecting them. Agents also seized a stack of petitions concerning the FTC's unlawful activity in the whole matter. The Feijos have no idea if these important documents will ever be returned to them.
Daniel Chapter One has never had a single complaint
For over 25 years, DC1 has been providing unique, bio-molecular herbs and supplements to customers around the world, and the ministry have never received a single complaint about any of its products -- ever. On the contrary, it continues to receive thousands of testimonials from satisfied customers who have cured "terminal" illnesses like cancer.
"(We've had) not one complaint, not one lawsuit, not one person killed in 27 years," emphasized Jim. "And in the same time, the FDA from [its] own articles published in JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association), has documented 106,000 people killed by FDA-approved drugs taken exactly like they were prescribed by their doctors. That's 2.8 million people murdered by the FDA in the same time frame we've been doing this."
Jim also explained that he and his wife have given away hundreds of thousands of books, CDs, and other materials at their own expense, just to get the vital information out to people who need it. The couple continually expressed in an interview that the ultimate goal of the ministry is to help people, not to make a profit -- hence why it is a ministry and not a business. So the government's crusade to destroy them and others who do similar work is nothing more than warrantless, medical tyranny against free individuals doing good work for the betterment of public health.
Daniel Chapter One is the first entity to challenge the FTC in court in over 100 years
Most companies when challenged by the likes of the FDA and FTC back down out of fear. But not DC1. As small as the ministry is, it continues to stand up against the forces of tyranny because its people know that what they are doing is both right and legal. And according to Jim, DC1's lawsuit against the FTC is the first of its kind to take place in over 100 years.
Jim's background in physiology and chemistry led him to the interesting discoveries he made years ago that eventually spurred him to develop many of DC1's custom formulas. Four of Jim's products in particular -- 7-Herb Formula (,shop.product_details/category_id,46/flypage,shop.garden_flypage/product_id,25/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,44/vmcchk,1/), GDU (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,116/Itemid,58/), BioShark (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,72/Itemid,44/), and BioMixx (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,73/Itemid,44/) -- were all specifically targeted by the FTC, even though they have helped thousands of people improve their health. And the Feijos believe that it is precisely because these products work that the FTC is continuing its relentless pursuit to destroy the ministry.
And that is what makes DC1 unique. A Christian ministry with very limited resources is standing up to a tyrannical federal government, even though the odds are stacked against them. But their devotion to the cause, their love for people and natural health, and their strong principles continue to drive their fight for freedom of speech. And if they achieve victory, it will benefit not only their ministry, but every single person that cares about the freedom to make individual health choices and freely share health information with others.
Support Daniel Chapter One and sign the petition
Raising awareness about government tyranny is useful, but taking action is even more important. Here are some practical steps you can take right now to support DC1 and fight government tyranny:
Sign DC1's health freedom petition ( The petition is a plea to President Barack Obama to defend individual liberty, free speech rights, and free access to truthful health information. The Feijos have requested your support in signing the petition and passing it on to your friends and neighbors.
Support DC1's daily radio program called Free Speech Ministry ( that is aired online and syndicated nationally on the Accent Radio Network. The show contains a myriad of useful health information, and it is a great way to get the word out to the public about subjects like freedom of health speech that are largely ignored by the mainstream media.
Financially support DC1 in its quest for free speech by purchasing its products or contacting the ministry directly to donate needed funds for its ongoing legal battles. Remember, if DC1 wins its fight against the FTC, it will set an important precedent for freedom of health speech that will benefit everyone.
Contact your Congressmen and urge support for Representative Ron Paul's health freedom bills ( Such bills will put an end to government tyranny against freedom of health speech. Support Citizens for Health ( as well, a health freedom organization truly devoted to the cause.
The products sold by DC1 are truly phenomenal, and they continue to help people everywhere. Despite the FTC and FDA assaults against the ministry, individuals from countries around the world continue to purchase its products and spread the word about them because they really work. Be sure to check them out for yourself at:
Aug. 8, 2011