New product reviews: Five nutritional products that stand out
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
None of these are paid placements. These are all independent reviews of products offered by their respective manufacturers, with appropriate links are provided below:
Life Extension Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine
This Life Extension product is a superb combination of vitamins D and K (both of which are crucial to bone health) with the added benefit of sea iodine made from sea vegetables like kelp and dulse. Each capsule provides 5,000 IU of vitamin D3, which is a daily dose being taken by nearly everyone familiar with vitamin D nutrition (I currently take 10,000 IUs per day).
As an added benefit, the Life Extension Foundation is one of the leading voices for health freedom, and it is sponsoring efforts to fight the FDA over the agency's insidious plot to outlaw virtually all dietary supplement ingredients before the end of this year. Take action at the petition page at:
Additionally, Bill Faloon, the founder of Life Extension, is the author of the phenomenal new book Pharmocracy, which exposes the outright criminal corruption of the FDA and calls for wholesale reforms. Check out the book announcement page at:
The Life Extension D + K with sea-iodine supplement is available at:
Genesis Today GenEssentials Superfruit Oil Blend
Genesis Today is perhaps best known for its superfruit juices, but it has recently introduced a really nice omega oil blend (3-6-7-9) made entirely from seed oils such as sacha inchi oil, sea buckthorn oil, acai oil, goji oil, hemp seed oil and others.
The product is called GenEssentials Superfruit Oil Blend, and it's a 100% plant-based supplement for balancing or restoring healthy oil deficiencies in your diet (and most people are chronically deficient in healthy omega-3 oils, as you probably know).
The Genesis Today company, headed by Dr. Lindsay Duncan, offers a wide range of nutritional products, all the way from the low-cost blends sold by Wal-Mart to extreme high-end 100% pure superfruit concentrates used by raw food vegans. I personally love their Mangosteen concentrate, which I often blend into fruit smoothies. Their Goji Berry juice concentrate is also a winner.
Learn more at
Living Fuel Super Essentials Aminos
Living Fuel has earned consistent accolades for their LivingFuel SuperBerry Ultimate product, which remains my No. 1 choice for nutrition while traveling. I love this product so much, I actually volunteered to film a segment with the founder, KC Craichy, in a studio in Florida. (No, I wasn't paid for this. It was purely volunteer.) You can view that video at:
Now, Living Fuel has come out with an impressive amino acid powder called LivingFuel Super Essentials Aminos. It contains a blend of amino acids formulated to help speed exercise recovery, boost stamina and enhance athletic performance. The aminos present in the formula are:
L-Leucine, L-Lysine HCI, L-Phenylalanine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Threonine, L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Histidine, Glycine, L-Methionine and L-Tryptophan
I really like this product, and it's from a company with a solid reputation. Learn more at
Biotivia Transmax Trans-Resveratrol
We recently publicized a free report about the miracle nutrient known as resveratrol. You can download that report (PDF) at:
This report was authored by James Betz, the founder and CEO of a company called Biotivia, which offers a selection of high-end supplements derived from plant-based nutrients such as pterostilbene, one of the medicinal compounds found in blueberries.
But its primary focus is on resveratrol, which is now known to be the single most important nutrient for longevity and physical endurance. The drug companies, by the way, have been trying to patent resveratrol molecules for years and turn them into "miracle" drugs to treat heart disease and other degenerative health conditions. If these were drugs, they would cost 100 times the price!
Fortunately, resveratrol is available in supplement form, and the Biotivia company has even graciously offered NaturalNews readers a 15% discount on all orders through the end of 2011. Just use coupon code NN15 and you'll save 15% at:
(No, we do not earn anything from this. It's not an affiliate deal, we're just publicizing their discount code because we think their products are great.)
One more thing: Their resveratrol capsules contain no fillers, no GMOs, no silica or additives. The colors on the capsules are made out of plant-based pigments, too.
Solgar Natural Vitamin D3 10,000 IUs
As more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of vitamin D, companies have begun offering higher-dose vitamin D capsules to meet the demand. While I used to take just 1,000 or 2,000 IUs a day, I now take 10,000 IUs a day, and the brand I consume is Solgar, which offers a 10,000 IU softgel. The main carrier oil in the softgel is safflower oil, which I'm not super excited about or anything, but it's a small amount of carrier oil, so it's not a big issue.
Virtually the entire medical industry, as you probably know, maintains a conspiracy of silence about vitamin D, refusing to teach people that this nutrient is the No. 1 way to prevent cancer and even help reverse cancer. The Institute of Medicine runs a cover story which tries to convince people that taking too much vitamin D might be dangerous for their health (, and yet as very few people know, the IoM is actually funded by pharmaceutical companies, vaccine makers and even junk food manufacturers like PepsiCo. It's also funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security and a long list of globalist miscreants who are steeped in the business of profiting from degenerative disease (
Powerful research shows that people need 4,000 - 8,000 IUs of vitamin D daily to raise their levels up to optimum levels ( Most Americans, meanwhile, get only a tiny fraction of that through their diet and sunlight. It is estimated that 90% of the population remains chronically deficient in vitamin D.
Solgar's 10,000 IU vitamin D Softgels are available in health food stores everywhere. Learn more about this product at their website:
Enjoy these outstanding nutritional products! And watch for more product reviews here on NaturalNews, including an upcoming review of an innovative new colloidal silver generator that produces high-quality silver for mere pennies an ounce.
Selpt. 19, 2011