Citizens for Health Alert: Will YOU Be Represented At The Capitol Wellness Expo, February 7, 2013?
Citizens for Heatlh
Dear Citizen for Health,
We emailed you last week to tell you about the Capitol Wellness Expo on February 7 - a collaborative effort to help Congress and the public learn about wellness practices and associated policy issues. Click Here for more.
Will your state and district be represented? Forward this flyer to your Representative and Senators. Ask them to send someone from their offices, and to post the flyer. To find their contact information, click here.
Topics of discussion:
--How might improved wellness affect the economy and health care expenditures?
--How much can wellness practices reduce obesity in the US?
--How might wellness practices affect Medicare?
--What are big corporations doing about wellness?
--What are the most effective roles for individuals, employers, and government?
--Why does the mind affect wellness?
Please help us ensure this is a truly participatory event and that lawmakers make it the priority it deserves to be. Once again: Forward this flyer to your Representative and Senators. Ask them to send someone from their offices, and to post the flyer. To find their contact information, click here.
As always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team
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