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"Doctored" documentary exposes monopolistic failure of modern medicine

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Feb. 26, 2013

We've got a powerful new documentary that exposes the monopolistic failures of modern medicine.

It's called "Doctored" and it's instantly available as a streaming video from

Watch the preview / trailer and see for yourself! This film features chiropractors, doctors, researchers and even Big Pharma sales reps all talking about the fraud and corruption of modern medicine.

Get instant access and have unlimited watching on our video network. There are no limits to the number of times you can watch it, nor the number of days remaining. You can watch it anytime, 24/7.


Also NEW from

Cut Poison Burn - a powerful film about the cancer industry.

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Pregnant In America - a fascinating look at the medicalization of pregnancy.


Now on DVD from the NaturalNews Store:

What happens when you take people suffering from breast cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's, depression and alcohol addiction into the Amazon rainforest and treat them with plant-based medicinal cures?

That's the premise of a powerful new film called The Sacred Science.

Watch the preview at:


This is a world-class documentary with a powerful, revolutionary message. This film transcends western medicine and highlights a whole new realm of healing and discovery.


DVD's are available now, on sale, from the Natural News Store. Watch the preview or order the film at:


To your health,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger