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Spirulina superfood consumed during pregnancy blocks cadmium from damaging developing babies - Natural News Science

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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July 23, 2013

(NaturalNews) Research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food reveals that spirulina protects unborn babies from being damaged by cadmium exposure.

This is a hugely important finding because cadmium, a highly-toxic heavy metal, is routinely found in rice and other common foods. Even organic brown rice often contains as much as 3 ppm of cadmium, Natural News has learned from laboratory tests.

Cadmium causes permanent kidney damage and bio-accumulates with alarming speed because it mimics potassium in the way it gets absorbed and integrated into the body's tissues. Even worse, cadmium has approximately a 20-year half-life in the human body, meaning your body will naturally eliminate half of your current cadmium load roughly every two decades. (Do not be confused by the term "half-life," as cadmium is not radioactive.)

Right now, our global food supply is heavily contaminated with cadmium, in large part due to the fact that so much food is now coming from China, a nation where cadmium pollution runs rampant. If spirulina can help pregnant women protect their unborn babies from cadmium toxicity, it could help prevent birth defects while dramatically reducing medical costs associated with metals poisoning.


Mice fed spirulina were able to protect their babies from cadmium-induced fetal damage

A study published in 2011 and conducted by the Department of Physiology, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnical Institute in Mexico City found that rats fed a diet of spirulina ranging from 62.5mg/kg to 500mg/kg of spirulina.

The results were astounding. As the researchers wrote:

Treatment with Spirulina at the three highest doses significantly decreased the frequency of fetuses with exencephaly, micrognathia, and skeletal abnormalities induced by Cadmium (Cd).

The study goes on to conclude that spirulina vastly reduced "teratogenecity," meaning fetal damage:

Furthermore, Spirulina treatment significantly and dose-dependently decreased lipid peroxidation, which was dramatically increased by administration of the metal. The results of the present study clearly point to the therapeutic potential of Spirulina in Cadmium-induced teratogenicity and probably through its antioxidant activity.

The term "dose-dependent" means that the more spirulina was given, the better the results.

Organic foods often contain high levels of cadmium

It is a little-known fact that the USDA organic program does not regulate, or measure, or in any way limit the concentration of heavy metals in "certified organic" foods.

Natural News has found that many "organic" foods contain alarming levels of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic and even lighter metals like aluminum.

We have publicly questioned the integrity of China-based "organic" foods, given the fact that so many of them contain high levels of heavy metals.

California's Proposition 65, which seeks to limit heavy metal exposure in nutritional supplements and herbs, have NO LIMITS on heavy metals in foods. (Foods are exempt from Prop 65.) So while nutritional supplements must meet strict limits on lead, cadmium and other metals, foods can contain ANY level of heavy metals and still be legal in California (and everywhere else, too).

Learn more about cadmium and spirulina

See more details of the study at the new website:

Learn more about the extreme toxicity of cadmium at:

See more studies on spirulina at:

See Dr. Len Saputo speak about cadmium and its link to breast cancer:

Link to video: