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The Empire Strikes Back! Is Nano Silver A No No?
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You've heard me say it a dozen times by now: Nano Silver 10 PPM has, among its may advantages, the inability to create resistant organisms or, as they are commonly known, "super bugs."
And it is true. But we need to define our terms. Nano silver PARTICLES impregnating clothes, surgical dressings and bandages, cosmetics and other substances and objects act differently than Nano Silver 10 PPM in a water suspension when it is ingested appropriately.
The "danger" here, according to the materials provided by the University of New South Wales, New Zealand* (and paid for by whom?) is that a common bacteria, Bacillus, may become resistant to nano silver particles and might transfer that genetic information, as bacteria do (through the exchange of plasmids) to other bacteria.
The article acknowledges, along the way, nano silver's ability to kill microbes saying:
"the efficacy of nanosilver to suppress certain disease-causing pathogens has been well-documented, and as a result, it has become widely used in medicine to coat bandages and wound dressings. It also has environmental uses in water and air purification systems, and is used in cosmetics and detergents, and as a surface coating for things like toys and tupperware."
It does not specify the Nano Silver particle size, concentration, medium used, exposure conditions ("used in an experimental culture"), the time of incubation, etc. but makes the point that over exposure to nano silver may induce resistance.
Nano Silver 10 PPM used by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (the same one that we chose to offer way back before we knew about the Ebola crisis!) has a rather unique molecular structure which is NOT the same as the nano silver particles which are used to impregnate things so the comparison is not applicable.
The mechanism of action of bound nano silver particles is unlikely to be the same as that of the Ag4O4/metallic particles in this amazing liquid because commercial nano silver is not made in the same way.
Commercial nano silver may contain ionic silver, silver oxide, bovine albumin, polyvinyl alcohol, sodium borohydride, etc., and may range in size from 1 nm (nano meter) to 100 nm.
You will notice that this is nothing at all like the purity and consistency of the Nano Silver 10 PPM on which we are focusing.
But the article reminds me to make a point that is too often overlooked. Nano Silver 10 PPM should not be used prophylactically even though
- it does not accumulate in the body- is fully excreted in 24 hours- is excreted, not metabolized so it does not take part in the body's biochemistry- inactivates viruses and kills bacteria and parasites by mechanisms which do not involve the genetic material of the organism so there is no genetic adaptation pressure.- works by several different mechanisms of action so that organisms are destroyed by several different routes- has never been shown to create resistant organisms in multiple lab trials and clincial ones and decades of experience with it.
HOWEVER, just to be on the safe side, I think it is a good idea to emphasize one of the things that I mentioned in my Protocol, available here,
Nano Silver 10 PPM should be used from the first indication that you have been exposed to a contagious disease to the last symptoms of that disease and for 3 days thereafter.
If you are exposed or believe that you have been exposed, continue following the preventive schedule in the Protocol.
If symptoms develop, increase use to treatment schedule in the Protocol and continue for three days after symptoms disappear completely.
It is not necessary to continue taking the Nano Silver 10 PPM solution if you have not been exposed.
If, on the other hand, you suspect you have been, then there is no harm in taking the Nano Silver as if you had been exposed.
But there is no reason to use it when you do not believe that you have an immune system challenge.
One final note about the use of Nano Silver 10 PPM: I have received numerous letters asking if it would help with auto immune conditions, cancer, emotional issues, blood sugar regulation and other non-infectious conditions.
The answer is clearly no. The wonderful thing about Nano Silver 10 PPM is that it assists the body in carrying out its normal function of getting rid of viruses, bacteria, parasites and other invaders leaving normal cells intact.
The use of CBD oil, on the other hand, for those conditions that Nano Silver does not address, is a very sensible and prudent application of another wonderful health strategy that we at Natural Solutions Foundation are equally excited about.
You can see them both together in special packages at http://TinyURL.comCBDnSilver or individually at
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
* The above note from Dr. Rima is with reference to: