Jon Carlson
During WWII the Nazis dumped FLUORIDE in the death camp water supplies to control the prisoners. After WWII and ever since when the Nazis infiltrated the US government the primary goal was mind control and health destruction using HALOGEN CHEMISTRY: FLUORINE, IODINE, BROMINE, CHLORIDE. Sick people are easier to manipulate!
The Nazis have executed a MASS IODINE DEFICIENCY.
1. Beginning in the 1950's Fluoride was added to public water supplies to displace iodine in the body as the thyroid can't differentiate between iodine and fluoride when making thyroid hormone
2. Chlorine in the water supply kills the intestinal flora a vital component of health and harms garden plants.
3. Before the Reagan Revolution a slice of bread contained the RDA for IODINE. The Nazi FDA required BROMINE as a replacement. Bromine displaces iodine in the body.
4. Iodine was added to part of the table salt supply but studies show even that part was not manufactured properly. Manufactured foods are supplemented with NO IODINE table salt.
5. Beginning in the 1970's and ever since the mass media has claimed that no salt was a health secret so even iodized salt didn't supply adequate iodine.
6. Farm

milk is the major iodine contributor to America's health but the Nazi FDA with guns and police has chased farmers acrossed state borders to prevent their legitimate milk from making people healthy. So-called pasteurized milk reduces iodine content 20% but the Nazi media pushing the cholesterol myth claim low fat milk prevents heart deaths. To manufacturer low fat milks whole milk has all of the fat removed then dried in ovens as DRIED MILK POWDER known to cause artery problems and with ALL IODINE BOILED OFF and then added back to the skim milk portion in various percentages, 1%, 2%, and skim. Some of the removed fat is made into butter, ice cream, cheese, and other diary products. So your low fat milk is my ice cream!
7. Fluoride removes calcium from the water supply. Hardened water supplies with natural calcium benefit the heart.
8. Plants don't require iodine for growth and thus are not a source of iodine unless irrigated by well or natural spring water.
9. Adequate iodine nourishes the skin thickening it removing the wrinkles.
10. Iodine makes a steady heartbeat and eliminates the need for heart drugs. These minerals are food for the heart: Iodine, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, cobalt.
When the heart malfunctions most Nazi FDA docs say you are getting old and here are some heart drugs, come back in a couple of weeks.
Dr. John Myers fed his heart patients a teaspoon of vitamin C powder daily and vitamin E but claimed vitamin E needed cobalt to make it work!
Beginning in 1975 Ford administration FDA commissioner Alexander Schmidt banned cobalt supplements and in 1997 German spy Clinton banned cobalt in medicines that were the first time allowed to be advertised direct to the public, the only country to allow direct drug advertising. In 2012 12% of Germany's economy repesented drug company employment with that going to 20% in 2020. Only B12 with its cobalt component is available in stores although cobalt carbonate is available on the Net and you can roll your own.
A Master of the Minerals, John Myers followed this therapy with his patients:
Level ONE
Magnesium chloride intravenusly.
The rest orally administrated:
B complex
vitamin C
potassium chloride
He says that this combination allowed the respiratory activity of the cells to operate at a much higher and more efficient level.
Level TWO
vitamin A
vitamin E
Dr. Myers added: In many of these patients a thyroid hormone supplement was required and in women a supplement of estrogen was required. John Myers MD pointed out that minerals are the most important nutrients.
These are the HEART MINERALS:
potassium, sodium,
calcium, magnesium,
zinc, copper, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, cobalt, iodine
A cardiologist got tired of his heart drugs not working so he tried IODINE. He says it is now beyond a doubt that adequate iodine is necessary for a smooth heartbeat. This ongoing research is truly wonderful news.
By Bruce West, D.C.
[In Health Alert, June 2006, Volume 23, Issue 6. To order, call 831-372-2103, weekdays. Or write Health Alert, 100 Wilson Road, #110, Monterey Ca 93940.]
“As you have read over and over in Health Alert, there is an epidemic of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation in this country. Expert Thyroidologists like Guy Abraham, MD, are convinced that the medical iodine phobia has a great deal to do with this phenomenon. Adequate stores of iodine are necessary for a smooth heartbeat.” -- Health Alert, Vol. 22, No. 12
Too many years ago medical experts determined that high doses of iodine were dangerous, despite a hundred-year history of extremely high doses (in today’s terms) of iodine prescribed by doctors for just about everything—with great results. As is often the case, the flawed results of this study became medical dogma. And today, more than 50 years later, organized medicine still follows that dogma when it comes to iodine therapy.
This is particularly sad for those who do not have access to alternative medical care and are suffering from problems with thyroid and goiter, female reproductive diseases, menopause, diabetes, obesity, liver disease, polycystic ovaries, breast disease, heart disease, and most especially arrhythmia problems.
Missing Link
Iodine supplementation may be the missing link in a good percentage of heart arrhythmia cases, especially atrial fibrillation. The body needs adequate stores of iodine for the heart to beat smoothly. After close to a year now of using Iodine Fulfillment Therapy, I can attest to this fact. Most of the stubborn cases of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation that we were unable to completely correct with our cardiac protocols have now been resolved with adequate supplies of iodine added to the protocol.
Even I was fooled for years—fooled away from using adequate doses of iodine. But thanks to bona fide experts like Dr. Abraham, I was able to see the decades-old medical iodine phobia for what it really was—a mistake. Carefully and slowly at first, I started having patients take sufficient doses of iodine. Much to my surprise, there were no problems, just many great results, especially with arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation.
Iodine Fulfillment
Iodine fulfillment means the entire body has adequate stores of iodine to function properly. Although iodine can be found in every organ and tissue in the body, some areas utilize more iodine than others. It is not only the thyroid gland that uses iodine but also the heart, breasts, ovaries, muscles, liver, and adrenal glands. We are also discovering that while it may take smaller doses to fulfill the thyroid’s needs, it often takes much larger doses to fulfill the rest of the body’s needs, including the needs of the heart.
These parts of the body are iodine sensitive—that is, if they are starving for iodine, they do not function properly. Since there are so many iodine-sensitive sites in the body, medical experts are finding that iodine therapy can be a “panacea” of sorts for all types of stubborn problems. Just as physicians noted 60 to 100 years ago, iodine therapy can help people with hypo- or hyperthyroid (with or without goiter), fibrocystic breasts, polycystic ovary syndrome, brain fog, constipation, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. In addition, it may prove essential treatment if you suffer from heart disease, arrhythmias, and atrial fibrillation.
In the past, with just about every patient with heart problems, arrhythmias, and atrial fibrillation, I would always use a protocol from Standard Process that included Cataplex F. Cataplex F is a combination of liver extract, omega-3 fatty acids, and iodine. But the typical dose of four to six Cataplex F tablets contains less than one milligram of iodine. While this dose was adequate for most people, some failed to respond, or only got partially better. Old-time physicians used to routinely prescribe up to 100 milligrams daily for all kinds of problems with excellent results. Now I know that they were on the right track.
How Much Iodine, and For How Long?
As I see people with stubborn arrhythmias getting better on 10, 20, 30, and even up to 50 mgs of iodine daily, I know that large doses are sometimes needed by the body. This is what Iodine Fulfillment Therapy is all about. Iodine fulfillment simply fulfills all of the body’s needs for iodine. For those deficient, this may require up to 50 mgs daily for three to four months.
If you have been unable to resolve your heart arrhythmia with one of my protocols, the simplest way to proceed with Iodine Fulfillment Therapy is to add Prolamine Iodine from Standard Process to your heart protocol. Begin with one Prolamine Iodine tablet daily. If there are no problems after a few days to a week, increase the dose to two daily. Continue this procedure, increasing the dose by one more daily until your heart begins to beat smoothly. At this point, you have reached iodine fulfillment. Stay at this dose for a full three months.
Since each Prolamine Iodine tablet contains 3 mgs of iodine, your body may require from 1 to 15 tablets daily for three months. Most people achieve results after 3 to 10 tablets daily. After three full months at your iodine fulfillment dose, begin to cut the dose back by one to two tablets daily each week. If you begin to feel your heart act up again, you have gone past your maintenance dose. Add back one more tablet daily. You will generally end up with a dose of one to four daily—and this dose should be maintained for 12 months. Thereafter, you will probably need even less.
Don’t Take Prolamine Iodine and Amiodarone
Amazingly, while medicine shuns iodine therapy, their most popular anti-fibrillation drug, Amiodarone, actually is iodine in a toxic, sustained-release form. This drug can produce a smooth heartbeat when the body has accumulated about 1,500 mgs of iodine—the exact amount of iodine retained by your body when iodine fulfillment is achieved by natural supplementation with Prolamine Iodine.
Unfortunately, Amiodarone is an extremely toxic form of iodine used by the medical profession. The side effects are often too great (and even life threatening) for most people to endure long enough to achieve a normal heartbeat. In addition, once you stop this drug, your original problem returns. Iodine therapy, on the other hand, fulfills the body’s needs safely, then maintains the smooth heartbeat with a low-maintenance dose.
Because Amiodarone is iodine, you cannot use iodine fulfillment therapy while you are taking this drug. Rather, your doctor needs to wean you off this drug first, so you can then begin natural iodine treatment. In other words, iodine fulfillment therapy is done in place of Amiodarone, not together with it. Amiodarone and iodine at the same time can be dangerous.
If you are on a heart protocol that has been only partially effective, or your arrhythmia or atrial fibrillation problem is stubborn, you will need to test iodine fulfillment therapy. However, you will maintain your original heart protocol with one change. Once iodine therapy has started (even at one Prolamine Iodine tablet daily), you will no longer need to take Cataplex F. Everything else in your protocol remains the same.
The Iodine Test
In the past we held that if it took less than 24 hours for tincture of iodine to disappear from the skin then there was a need for iodine supplementation. Today, I am not so sure this is a good indicator of iodine need. There are just too many variables involved in how quickly the tincture disappears from the skin.
However, tincture of iodine, available in drug stores everywhere for pennies, cannot hurt. Common sense dictates that if the iodine first disappears in a few hours, but stays in place for more than 24 hours after iodine fulfillment therapy, it is a good test. I will leave it up to you if you want to challenge this test.
As far as I’m concerned, I am finding more and more people deficient in iodine—even those I would not have thought would have this problem. At this stage, unless you know you are allergic to iodine (a very rare condition), it would be best to fulfill your body’s needs for iodine if you have any of the problems mentioned in this article.
Simply proceed with caution, slowly and carefully. For anyone setting out on a course of iodine fulfillment therapy, please send us a self-addressed envelope with two stamps and say IODINE. We will send you our full article so you will know exactly how to proceed. The best course of action is to proceed with iodine therapy safely, as there have been some problems reported in certain individuals. I recommend that you proceed only when you have our Iodine flyer in your hands.
Problems and Allergy to Iodine
Few problems have been reported when iodine therapy is accomplished slowly and safely—as outlined in my flyer. Sensitive individuals may experience skin irritation; watery eyes, nose, and saliva; nervousness or headache. Some highly sensitive individuals may also experience a racing heart or irritation of the esophagus. These are extremely rare (I’ve seen very few of these potential problems), and they are easily resolved by either immediately reducing the dose or quitting the iodine.
The greatest problem arises when an individual with a known allergy to iodine tries iodine therapy. This therapy cannot be used by these folks unless their allergy to iodine is resolved.
Resolving an allergy to iodine may be possible with an acupuncture technique called NAET. To find out if your allergy to iodine (or other substances, for that matter) can be resolved, check out the acupuncture site of an old friend of Health Alert, Dr. Devi Nambudripad, at www.naet.com.
The second greatest problem can occur if you try iodine therapy while taking an iodine drug like Amiodarone. This will cause problems that can require medical attention. Do not attempt to take large doses of iodine when you are taking Amiodarone, Pacerone, or Cardarone. If you want to try iodine therapy, your doctor will first have to wean you from these drugs.
In conclusion, if you suffer from heart arrhythmias or atrial fibrillation, or any of the problems listed in this article, keep iodine therapy in mind. If you use iodine therapy, please feel free to send me your results. As I’ve said, I have been nothing but pleasantly surprised with results coming back better and better. And I can finally reach some of those really stubborn arrhythmia and fibrillation cases that just would not respond completely to my protocol containing only a milligram or two of iodine.
It is now beyond a doubt that adequate iodine is necessary for a smooth heartbeat. This ongoing research is truly wonderful news.
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 40
Get Your German Spies Scorecard
German Spies Destroy America To Save Germany
DON'T MISS more photos and analysis on 9/11, the Nazis in the White House, and fake black alien Obama:
Become a Nazi Hunter: Part 2 claims that the best way to catch a Nazi was to have two Nazis feuding over money or a woman. Well, Skorzeny and Scherf, Jr. (Bush I) were doing exactly that.
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 1
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 2
Become a Nazi Hunter
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 3
Hitler Associate Exposes
Nazi Germany Born Bushes
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 4
German Navy Mates Bormann And Bush
The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 5
How Old Is Obama?
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 6
Bush Ages Nix US Genealogy Claims
The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 7
Three Generations of Nazi Spies Since 1930's
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 8
1900 Census Kills Fake Bush Genealogy
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 9
Clinton, Gore Could've Been 9/11 Heros
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 10
Nazis Anchored Carrier Off NYC On 9/11
The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 11
Hawaii Lies Made A President
The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 12
Bush I's 9/11 Story Was Impossible.
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The US Was Set Up For An Oil Fall-Exxon Valdez
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Gulf Bombs Set Up BP For An Oil Fall
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The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 16
The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 17
Is Obama a Thai Buddhist President?
The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 18
The Pentagon 9/11 A3 Skywarrior Story
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The Case for an Atomic Bomb in the Gulf
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The Nazis Do Katrina
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 21
Clinton Just Another Nazi Spy
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Obama Birth Announcement Forged
Nazi-infested FED Destroys America
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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 24
Two Bush Brothers: A Nazi Spy, A Nazi War Hero
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Time to Close the Obama US Birth Coffin
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DOJ Eric Holder, Black or Arab?
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The 9/11 Party Rules America
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Is Biden Another Nazi VP?
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Get Your German Spies Scorecard
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 41
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 42
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 43
German Spies Destroy America To Save Germany
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 44
Don't Let the Nazi FDA Kill You
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 45
Corrupt Nazi FDA Diets Sink Your Health
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How Nazis Napalmed the South Tower on 9/11
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Up Close: Nazi 9/11 Show Director White Jet
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Nazis Used Remote Control to Crash 9/11 Planes.
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Nazis SECRET 9/11 Helicopter Caught on Camera
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Nazis 9/11 White Jet Demolishes North Tower
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Nazi Jet Flies in Formation at 9/11 NT Crash
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 53
Nazi EPA Water Chlorine Kills America's Gut Flora
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Nazi FDA Pushes Beriberi Across US, Bans Cure
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The Shanksville Puzzle in the Germany 9/11Espionage
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 56
Nazi FDA Bans Farm Milk for Nazi Vitamin D, Spreads Rickets
The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 57
The Nazis Executed a Mass Iodine Deficiency