Dr. Masaru Emoto (www.masaru-emoto.net) is an internationally renowned researcher who has gained worldwide acclaim by showing how
water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. His message is simple, profound, and far-reaching.
His photographs can be seen in Messages from Water Vols. I, II, and III (over one million sold internationally in twenty languages)
and in The Hidden Messages in Water (over 500,000 copies in print in eleven languages), The True Power of Water, and
The Secret Life of Water.
Born in 1943 in Japan, Emoto is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s Department of Humanities and Sciences with a focus on
international relations. In 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine.
Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro-cluster water in the United States. Thus began his quest to discover the mystery
of water. Over time he realized that in its frozen crystal form, water shows us its true power.
In the March 2004 issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Emoto did an astonishing photo essay for special
medicine based on his research. He is currently the head of I.H.M. General Research Institute Inc., the President of I.H.M. Inc., and the
chief representative of I.H.M.’s HADO Fellowship. Emoto conducts his research from Japan and holds seminars throughout the world.
It was at his United Nations seminar in September 2003, that he fully comprehended the global water shortage. As a result of this
experience, combined with the enactment of International Decade for Action, Emoto formed his own non-profit organization, “International
Water for Life,” through which he will dedicate his water research to achieving world peace.