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Older man is beating stage IV colon cancer with Essiac tea

Paul Fassa

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Dec. 5, 2014

(NaturalNews) Colon cancer is third most common cancer for both men and women, and it's the second leading cancer cause of death in the USA. The usual treatments involve surgery and/or chemotherapy.

With surgery, there's a good chance of being saddled with a colostomy bag or ileostomy or ostomy bag worn externally to allow one's feces to be excavated into the bag without the missing parts of the lower colon.

In 2011, 135,260 people in the United States were diagnosed with colorectal cancer, of which 70,099 were men and 65,161 were women. Among those diagnosed, 51,783 people died from colon (colorectal) cancer in the USA -- 26,804 men and 24,979 women.[1] The gender selection is almost equal.


70-year-old man diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer goes natural

John Tanzi was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in July 2013, days before he turned 70, with a prognosis of living two to six months at most if he refused chemotherapy.

After having observed friends and family members undergo chemo, only to be in misery from it then die soon anyway, he decided to research for other options that would not only rid his cancer but allow him to have a decent quality of life for his remaining years. So far, he's feeling better than ever and his blood tests are positive.

First, he changed his diet, excluded all meats, refined sugar and dairy. Pretty much what the recommends as the "cancer diet," which should be the foundation for all cancer treatments. Then he prayed and researched natural options for hours daily.

He came up with a capsuled gel form of the original four-herb Essiac tea, which he purchased from a Canadian group. John urges due diligence with selecting Essiac tea, as there are many inferior imitations on the market.

John says he has been taking four 250 mg Essiac gel capsules daily, two in the morning and two in the evening, each time on an empty stomach. His research also led him to beta-1,3-glucan gel caps. One is taken for every 50 pounds of body weight.[2]

According to Life Extension Magazine, "Beta glucans have been used as an immunoadjuvant therapy (an immune system stimulant) for cancer since 1980, mostly in Japan." Interestingly, lentinan is a type of beta-glucan found in shiitake mushrooms, which are known as anti-cancer superfoods that help shrink tumors and impede their future development.

Teikyo University's Biotechnology Research Center in Kawasaki, Japan, demonstrated that lentinan has antitumor properties. The researchers reported, "Results of the clinical application of lentinan have proven prolongation of life span of the patients with advanced and recurrent stomach, colorectal, and breast cancer."[3]

There is a wide range of prices for beta-1,3-glucan supplements, indicating the potential for a wide range of quality. As a normal immune booster, cheap may be fine. But for a major disease's complimentary supplement, it's better to not haggle over prices.

John advises that others search for what's right for them out of the many natural alternative treatments that are available and realize the commitment of lifestyle changes. He has created a Facebook "Holistic Cancer and Health Chat Room" for others to join and share or ask questions.[4]

There are only a few quality Essiac tea preparations out there, and it's best to brew your own from herbs that contain non-irradiated organic sheep sorrel roots. Very few providers offer that.[5]







About the author:

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding them towards direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom.

You can check out his many non-compromising cutting edge, non-fluff articles here

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Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding them towards direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can check out his many non-compromising cutting edge, non-fluff articles here And you can visit his blog at