The Shocking Truth About Enzyme Formulations Watch The Shocking Video Below.
Before you run out and buy a bottle of enzymes, you need to know exactly what to look for.
The sad truth is most enzymes on the market are of little to no value.
The hefty costs stop most companies from developing and stabilizing proteolytic enzymes...
By Wade Lightheart
Director Of Education For BiOptimizers
3-Time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion
Advisor For The American Anti-Cancer Institute
And stability is crucial, because enzymes are most effective when they're active in the broad pH range of your digestive tract.
The economics drive most supplement companies to produce cheap, weak enzymes that don’t work, in order to inflate their profits.
Instead, they produce enzymes that are either: animal based, enterically coated or contain little to no protease.
Unfortunately, Dr O’brien retired and we can’t get his enzymes from the original sources.