BIOMEDX and Oxygen Therapies Causes and Cures for Everything
By Mr. Oxygen, Ed McCabe
Antoine Bechamp
French Biologist 1816 - 1908
The basic elements of Gaston Naessens' Pleomorphism, and Antoine Bechamp, and Weston Price, and Father Kniepe’s teachings, and the works of all the real Nature respecting scientists and practitioners, along with my thousands of interviews of doctors, scientists and patients, are what have always formed the basis of my internationally known Mr. Oxygen Active Oxygen and Plant Mineral teachings. Simply because the truth makes more honest sense than the marketplace promoted lies and half-truths we all are stuck living with here.
Although the Biomedx subsidiary of Native American Trading Corporation, a Native American owned entity, has codified the key points of most of these combined “The Real Cause of Disease” teachings into an online study course, they apparently still do not have sufficient knowledge about Active Oxygen therapies, especially Medical Ozone and Peroxide therapies and their century of safe, effective, and astonishingly successful usage. At least I have not yet found any evidence of their going beyond the average level of simply knowing “Oxygen is good!” - which is great, but if you stop there, you are ignoring the advanced Active Oxygen Therapies stage of thinking.
In other words, their online course is accurate Pleomorphism basics, but somewhat rudimentary, because it does not yet expose the real magic available via correct use of advanced Active Oxygen Therapies - such as those I have detailed in my book and DVD sets; Flood Your Body with Oxygen, and codified into my worldwide lectures and publishings (, and other info at
But, having said that, everyone absolutely should read and study very, very, seriously the BIOMEDX online course found at - if they want to fully and simply understand EXACTLY WHY they are sick with Cancer, or WHAT is the basic cause of most any other disease they or their friends and family get.
Your societal induced mental and emotional programming will constantly fight you ever really understanding, or even remembering, just how simple it all is. So take the time to take this information very, very, seriously, please.
Too many wonder: “WHY do I have the big C?”, or Arthritis, or Heart Disease, or Ebola, and fatigue, or Alzheimers, and think it is a curse from God, or that they “got it” by magic, or some other mystery. Everyday your whole life there are psy-op slogans broadcast to you like; “There is no cure.” and, you have to “dig deep,” or “run for the cure” or “fight it,” like disease is some huge powerful evil enemy. These programming slogans are drummed into our heads day after day, over and over, as our TVs’ program us with misdirection. That way the profits from the desperate who are seeking any solution - as long as they don’t have to change - absolutely skyrocket.
Our foe is really only darkness, the simple lack of knowledge. They want you to run off to fight a made up war on disease, or others, so they can make money, when the answer lies inside you. Just like your Spirit in your Heart always waiting for you to speak with IT - instead of with some outside-of-you wild goose chase.
Disease arises spontaneously from your insides, out of your maintaining an incorrect background terrain cellular environment. NOT from some outsider “invasion.” More accurately, if you get surrounded with toxins and disease, it will be harder to stay clean on the inside, but there will still be no invasion - if you can maintain your cellular and fluid purity despite facing this. We can measure easily, by eyeballing, the purity condition of the swamp that is your physical body, that is mostly water. Just look at your blood, bright clean red, or dirty purple, brown, or black? Ready for disease, diseased, or healthy?
Disease is NOT from co-factor “germs,” or “some mystery.” What you put into your body, into your mouth, into your lungs, on your skin, day after day, and - what you keep away from - directly determines your level of cellular and fluid purity.
Your specific internal purity can’t be shined up by buying new clothes, houses, or cars, or liposuction, or makeup, or face lifts or the latest MLM wunderkid. Your specific cellular purity is not some unreachable pie in today’s sky. Your specific cellular purity is almost exclusively determined by what you have chosen to eat, drink, swallow, and breathe and what you have chosen NOT to eat, drink, swallow, and breathe. Including; Do I not let them spray me with chemtrails? Do I let them keep putting radioactivity in the ocean? Do I let them keep filling my food with toxins banned in all other countries? All the little tiny choices made hourly.
The microbes, and plague, and cancer cells will not, and simply cannot, grow or exist inside you if you are clean inside! “Clean” is reflected by Active Oxygen, Alkalinity, and cellular micro-voltage levels. Hint: they all measurements of your purity and directly cause each other. All of them are directly related to the amount of LifeForce you have inside you. The amount of your Spirit that has not been wasted. When raised, any and will cause you to throw off impurities. Example: Fat is stored toxins locked in fat cells. Fat people get rashes and other detox symptoms when they fast. Look at all the fat people in America that still do not gorge on food.
What makes us “dirty,” and plugs us up, is the free will choices we make daily that make us polluted, acidic, low on oxygen, and therefore having a very low charge of cellular electrical micro-currents. Your Life Force is being sucked out of your body daily, simply by being in our society and on this world in the first place, and then we make it a lot worse by living for our taste-buds and addictions, and lusts, instead of for us. You are loosing your charge.
Before the shockingly rising tide of pollution, and the dropping clean oxygen levels, can get EVERYONE sick ALL the time, these combined teachings should be taught in every school in our nation. Raise your Oxygen, pH, and electrical cellular voltages - within reason - including Active Oxygenation and plant mineralization, and all disease falls off. My 1988 book said that. I have said it for over 25 years. The great scientists even longer. How much more simple can it be?
These teachings must be inculcated in EVERYONE right from the get go, right along with studying my Flood Your Body with Oxygen publications, and the advanced simple and effective remedies they offer. They both must be applied universally, and immediately if we are to continue to exist. I am serious. It IS that bad. Really look around.
The purposeful assault on us with wars, adulterated non-food ingredients, lab-created and media-hyped diseases, pollution of everything, and especially the incessant terrible air pollution from planes that is using up our clean Oxygen, so it isn’t there anymore to turn into atmospheric Ozone, and then having no Ozone, we can’t be shielded from the sun’s UV Ultraviolet rays by absorbing them during Ozone’s creation. We are baking our planet in unpublished off the scale UV, and that’s killing our Plankton and forests, which make our Oxygen in the first place, so... less and less Oxygen is around to turn into UV absorbing and protecting atmospheric Ozone, so more UV pours through baking us further, and that kills more of our Oxygen-making plants, and when they no longer exist anymore to make Oxygen O2 that the sun can turn into Ozone O3+, the mechanism that used to protect us by using up the UV, well.... round, and round, and down and down all the dead plants and our sicker and sicker people go.....) and of course don’t forget centrifugal heat and pressure based - instead of cool centripetal natural - power plants and vehicle pollution. All this is already THAT BAD, and Killing US SLOWLY RIGHT NOW. 85%+ of all Americans are on medication! 85% of our seniors go bankrupt from medical bills! One in two have Cancer.
I get calls everyday from bright, supposedly smart, articulate people, who are constantly being fed bad incomplete information over and over - usually from each other’s grapevine, and definitely from the media outlets. These are very “health knowledgeable” people, chasing research all over the net, who are all still fighting diseases they can’t control - and don’t have to, if only their knowledge was complete.
We are being overwhelmed and killed slowly. For a prime cause example of where the people widely miss the boat, they think they are “eating organic,” but they can’t be, because of our bad water, all the food and air and water additives, and the used-up farm and livestock soils, all empty of the most important, and not having ALL minerals necessary, especially crystaline organic Sulfur, or, they go right on smoking and drinking, and taking some pills or medication, or getting high, thinking they are doing such a good job otherwise that they can get away with cheating Nature, just a little bit. BUT, I am here to tell you my friends, that is impossible today. No more free rides. And, almost no one really “gets” that you cannot nibble on sugar - or flour or pasta that turns to sugar inside us - NOT AT ALL anymore. NO “CHEATING,” EVER, NONE. The majority of our foods are already laced with it. Switch to Quinoah.
Prove it to yourself. If you have a toothache, a very painful toothache, (or substitute your favorite disease - like gout or arthritis) you can actually vary how much pain you experience, or whether or not you have any pain at all. Do not rush to a root canal that is never really sterilized for the rest of your life - no matter what the dentists not keeping up with the research say. Almost every heart disease and cancer patient has a root canal leftovers infecting them daily. 3 miles of micro-tubules under every tooth.
You can vary your pain amount because it is determined by your lactic acid levels, part of your background overall bodily fluid purity and pH level. Have some sugar, and too much meat, and white flour non-quinoah pasta, wash it down with artificial diet soda, add stress, and quickly become acidic. Feel the infection and pain swell. Eat totally clean, detoxify, it goes away if you catch it soon enough. Your own body is the master healer, not some suit.
I asked a dentist, “Why does the pain from this broken tooth come and go?” He responded, “Because your immune system fights it off.” So, BINGO! it is optional! The level of pain is determined by the level of infection, as determined by if the immune system is getting strong or weak, as determined by the food and other choices we make turning us pure or dirty. Having such a strong sensor as a painful tooth, or not, will quickly school you in how to eat correctly just to avoid the pain. Most of the lazy or unschooled will just cut something out, or just take some pill that does nothing about cleaning out the terrain, setting them up for far worse, later.
BUT, this process shows just how vulnerable we are these polluted days, so much so, that the slightest imbalance tips the scales into runaway inflammation. When you stray, the pain comes back almost instantly. To get rid of it, purify. Active Oxygen, and Ozone injections, and some Oxygen supplements, especially Organic Sulfur, and some toxin-destroying, and Oxygen Therapy producing Liposomal Vitamin C - over 8 grams spread out daily, and alkalinizing with natural apple cider vinegar or alkalinizing drops while weeding out and improving your dietary choices is the best bet. If you are serious, see what all that does when you try it!
Do a clinical study using all that! Try it on Plague, Lepers, Aids, Cancer, XYZ flu, MS, Alzheimers, you name it. All the “incurables.” See what it does. What do you have to loose? Why won’t you? What are you afraid of? It’s NATURE!
We need energy for our immune systems to work, to clean us out. ”We lose our Spirit LifeForce energy as we age.” Same for your gout, and arthritis, and heart attack, and cancer, and other early-warning: Too acid! Too acid! Too acid! imbalance “indicators.” If you have them, or hundreds of any other diseases, you are blatently fluid-dirty and Spirit poor!
“Life is a fight between Oxygen and acids.” as our oxygenating friend Dr. Majid Ali says. Acids are pain. Active Oxygen dissolves acids. That’s as simple as my: “All disease microbes are anaerobic, and cannot live in Active Oxygen,” which I have repeated, usually daily, for over 25 years.
This mass human immune weakness we are suffering is now off the scale because we are now living in such a debilitated - and totally polluted - state, in this bad air, bad food, bad water polluted word, so that there is absolutely no “wiggle room” left to bounce back from - like when we were younger. We’re totally saturated, full, stuffed with toxins, and right at the edge of our limits. And, do I really have to mention the pure insane extra burden stupidity of self-induced pollutants like smoking or drinking, or dope, or pills, and delicious sugary bits, or packaged or greasy fried foods and their drive-by biofilms? Why are you willing to die for your taste-buds? Why?
All around the masses are already mass sold, and have accepted our slowly ramping up bottom-of-the-pit situation as completely normal! Just look around your own body, and family, and all your neighbors. Watch what they all consume. And, remember, sooner or later they all whine about it when they every-small-step-of-the-way knew better all along.
Being on this darkness infected planet is like making the best of living in some filthy dump that’s been painted over and chromed and perfumed to look all white and shiney - just so you will buy it. The advertising and greed driven mass programming swirling of the masses down into the black hole for profit. But, YOU still have free will to opt out.
Most all the over-population and pollution would not be here, and secret governments would not be trying to kill billions of us as already detailed in the official Global 2000 Report, if they did not force us to stay here festering on the planet in the first place. Instead of letting us naturally evolve out into space as it got too crowded here, they anally froze in fear, and used the suppress and kill modes because they could not envision our amazing human ability to adapt and make money from any opportunity. Example: Study Tesla, and how Hitler had him killed so the British would not get his invisible shield and death ray technologies - Hitler’s bodyguard talked.
The elites created the evil problems we all face through fear of lack, when there really is now plenty of plenty all around that they are simply not creative enough to see. Example: Zero Point Energy. They collect stuff in survival fear rather than embrace and encourage creativity. Yes, this is a treacherous place, however, only because we create it so. But one has to be able to see that to get over it.
Their egos and mentors tell them they are the elite, but history proves their demonstrated results are always short -sighted selfish failures. This is proven, as nothing has really changed in all this war, disease, war, disease, war, disease time. We need fresh thinking leadership and total inclusiveness.
Instead of self-declared anal-retentive obviously fear-based elites saying, “Well, there is to many to sustain, so let’s kill them and save us.” and putting all their efforts into that, why not let the zero-point energy inventions and us free, and people will naturally clean up and/or leave this dump? That way Nature comes back into balance while maybe it still can, and everybody lives happy in health everafter. Well, at least until the ungerground Sovereign Soldiers have to fight off another alien invasion attempt. But even that would be easier for us then.
Don’t worry, fear lovers, there will still be plenty of positive leadership jobs around. You won’t have to crawl your way up out of the filthy oppressed masses as your funding ancestors did. You can now step forward and fulfill much higher destinies than those offered by the darkside all this time. It was not your only choice, as you were plainly lied to about it all.