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Cancer cells destroyed by First Immune GcMAF (

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FE:  Aug. 14, 2015

GcMAF eradicates cancer; cells seen via microscopes and time lapse photography.

This is a world wide first, and a scientific research paper named "Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of GcMAF on human breast cancer cells" peer reviewed, and published by us in the January 2013 Immunology Conference in San Diego.

Human MCF7 breast cancer cells are shown both in a corrugated layer on the surface below, and as irregular "fingers" above.

Macrophages are small round circles added at the bottom left. They do nothing until the First Immune GcMAF is added.

Time lapse photography over 60 hours shows the cancer monolayer below first changing from corrugated to smooth from the bottom left as the cancer is destroyed; then the cancer "fingers" are also eaten and destroyed by the macrophages.

This is part of the assays performed on batches of our GcMAF, and are carried out in First Immune ('s) laboratories as part of our everyday production.

We supply 5,000 patients, 300 doctors in 30 nations.

This confirms the research paper "Effects of vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor on human breast cancer cells," published in the journal Anticancer Research 2012 Jan;32(1):45-52, in which they also kindly used our First Immune GcMAF for their experiments.