Early warning signs of a heart attack you shouldn't ignore
Sandeep Godihal
(NaturalNews) Most people who are health-conscious - even if they are living a fit lifestyle - worry at least a little bit about the possibility of a heart attack. Heart disease in general is a big problem. As a matter of fact, it is the number one killer in America and in several other developed nations as well. There are also many risk factors to worry about: Diet, lack of exercise, family history, being overweight or obese and having a high level of stress have all been linked to a greater chance of a heart attack.
The good news is that there are ways a heart attack can be prevented. Eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, staying fit and managing stress all reduce the chance of this kind of incident. And beyond this, it is also good to be knowledgeable about the early warning signs of a heart attack, so that action can be taken before it is too late.
Warning signs
Irregular or rapid heartbeat. If the heart feels like it is beating too fast, beating irregularly or pounding against the chest, is sign that a heart attack could be on the way. It is particularly serious if this happens after some sort of exertion and if the heart rate feels as though it is both rapid and irregular together.
Digestive upset. Not all signs of a heart attack are considered to be "classic". Feelings of nausea, heartburn or indigestion that seem worse than normal or do not go away with antacids or similar medications could be a sign of a heart attack - especially in women in over 60.
Fatigue. Many people have problems with fatigue for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with heart health. However, if the fatigue is severe, does not go away with rest or even appears to be getting worse, it is best to call the doctor, as this could be part of a build-up to a heart attack.
Anxiety. Anxiety that seems to come on suddenly - especially if a person does not have a history of this problem - can be a sign of low oxygen levels in the brain. This, in turn, can be a sign that the heart is not able to pump enough blood to keep the body oxygenated due to an incipient heart attack.
Not everyone will get all of these signs and symptoms since every individual is different. However, knowing what potential signs to look for - and when to get help - is a good thing to get educated about. Those who get early treatment for this kind of incident have a much better chance of survival than those who wait to seek help until the attack is well-advanced.
About the author:
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. He currently writing for insurancetips4u.co.
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Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. He currently writing for insurancetips4u.co. Read More articles from Sandeep: Top 5 Reasons Your Health Insurance Premium Will Rise in 2016 Top 5 Tips for Finding Affordable Health Insurance Policy 5 Tips To Get Cheap Car Insurance Rates