Tony Isaacs
For the first time ever, colloidal silver has been shown to defeat cancer in an actual human trial!
Yes, you read that right. Colloidal silver has now been observed by doctors to conquer cancer in a human. And get this: the colloidal silver was homemade!
Colloidal silver and the sliver nanoparticles (SNPs) which make up colloidal silver have been increasingly shown to be effective against cancer cells and tumors in recent years.
In fact, over 50 test tube and animal clinical studies have been conducted demonstrating silver’s effectiveness against both cancer cells and tumors.
For a detailed look at these 50 test tube and animal studies, plus over a dozen anecdotal accounts of people using colloidal silver to help heal or keep their own cancers in-check, see the excellent book by Steve Barwick, Colloidal Silver and Cancer – A Surprising Look.
However, those of us who write about colloidal silver and cancer have always had to include the caveat that, while silver nanoparticles and colloidal silver have been shown time and again to be effective against cancer in clinical studies and trials, the studies and trials were all either test tube or animal studies, and not human studies.
But that’s simply no longer true!
In the clinical trial I’ll be telling you about directly below, which was conducted by a team of doctors from the prestigious University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and the nearby University of Texas at Dallas, we learn of a patient with head and neck cancer that was so advanced it was beginning to spread throughout his body. What’s more, his oncologists had given up on him and sent him off to die in hospice care.
But much to the surprise of his doctors and the researchers who followed his case afterwards, he was able to completely eradicate his head and neck cancer after he made his own colloidal silver and began taking some every day.
Read on to see the exciting details of this groundbreaking clinical trial…
Details of the In-human Clinical Trial
on Colloidal Silver and Head and Neck Cancer
The clinical trial, titled “In-Human Activity and Pharmacology of Homemade Silver Nanoparticles in Highly Refractory Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer,” was conducted by University of Texas researchers beginning in 2015.
The trial continued through an 18-month follow-up period before the results were published in May 2017 in the renowned peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Oncology.
It’s well worth noting that the highly acclaimed journal is pretty much the gold standard for oncology journals, and is none other than the official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). So this is truly “big time” information.
In the trial Abstract, the “Background” section simply stated that:
“Silver nanoparticles (SNPs) show high efficacy as targeted therapy against cancer cell lines, but have never been tested in patient clinical trials. We present the first in-human trial of SNPs in a cancer patient with a dramatic outcome.”
Dramatic outcome indeed, as you’ll see below!
In the “Methods” section, the doctors explained that the patient was a 77-year-old man who had been sent to a hospice to die after two years “on platinum and taxane-based chemotherapy, radiation twice and 2 surgical resections”.
In other words, the patient’s treatment consisted of the entire often-failed trio of mainstream medical interventions which attempt to either poison out, burn out or cut out the cancer.
Ultimately all three of those orthodox medical treatments failed with this patient, as is so often the case. As the doctors wrote: “Large hepatic and pulmonary metastases were observed on PET, MRI and CT; he was initiated on hospice.”
In other words, not only had mainstream treatments failed to eradicate the cancer, the cancer had spread to the patient’s liver and lungs.
When doctors admit defeat…when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body…and when the patient is sent to a hospice to miserably live out the last few weeks or so of their lives…that, folks, is about as dire as it gets.
But the patient surprised (maybe I should say stupefied) the doctors and didn’t die.
Why? Because he started making and taking homemade colloidal silver. As the study reported: “Without informing his oncologist he subsequently began manufacturing and consuming the SNP solution [i.e., silver nanoparticles solution].”
The results could hardly have been more dramatic!
Said the researchers who followed this patient for some 18 months after he began consuming his homemade colloidal silver:
“The patient ingested 120 ml daily of the solution for 3 months leading to clinical recovery and complete resolution of cancer at all sites, persisting for 18 months.“
[Note: 120 mL daily is about 4 ounces a day.]
The researchers went on to say “Toxicities were not noted with this silver solution, with no evidence of myelosuppression, liver or kidney abnormalities on repeated testing.”
In other words, the elderly patient’s three month’s worth of daily self-treatment with homemade colloidal silver didn’t produce any toxicities, nor did it produce suppression of his white blood cells and platelets (as so often happens with chemotherapy), nor did it produce any liver or kidney abnormalities.
The researchers further noted that “The patient underwent reconstructive surgery with excellent wound healing, and his performance status continues to improve.”
How about that?
From literally his death bed to complete remission and recovery and continued improved performance — all documented by clinical researchers from two major medical universities, and published in one of the world’s top cancer journals!
And it was all due to homemade colloidal silver which can be easily made for mere pennies per quart! (You can learn more about making your own colloidal silver, in the addendum at the end of this article.)
I can only imagine what the costs were for all the chemo, radiation and surgeries the man had been put through before he decided to try safe, natural (and astonishingly inexpensive) colloidal silver!
Not the First Time Colloidal Silver Usage
Has Stunned Medical Doctors
This clinical trial reminds me of another published clinical report on a child whose drug-resistant cystic fibrosis lung infections were getting so far out-of-hand that antibiotic drugs could no longer stop them.
Unable to just sit there and watch their child die of the persistent lung infections, the child’s parents chose to begin giving him very small amounts of colloidal silver each day — about a half a teaspoon, twice daily, orally.
And what happened? His lung infections suddenly vanished!
His medical specialists — quite astonished — monitored the situation for quite awhile, and then wrote a clinical paper detailing the astonishing progress the child was making thanks to the daily doses of colloidal silver.
That clinical report was published back in 2008 in the prestigious Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. You can read more about that clinical report, here. Or, you can see the study itself, here.
Yet still, to this very day, the FDA, the NIH (National Institutes of Health), the Mayo Clinic and other medical authorities and institutions continue to spread the lie that there are “no clinical reports” of colloidal silver helping with any disease condition.
Obviously, it’s going to be very difficult for them to continue telling that lie, particularly after more and more people find out about the above two clinical reports.
Colloidal Silver and Cancer
As wonderful as the results of the above-described in-human cancer trial were, they came as no surprise to this author.
As I noted earlier, there have been numerous in vitro laboratory studies and trials, and several animal studies as well, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles against cancer.
There have even been studies which have found that silver nanoparticles are more effective against cancer cells than chemo drugs, and that they are effective against the deadly cancer stem cells which are believed to be behind the growth and spread of cancer. See, for example, two of my recent articles:
- Silver Nanoparticles Make Anti-Cancer Drugs More Effective (Sept 9th, 2018)
- Is NanoSilver the Answer to Ovarian Cancer? (August 20th, 2018)
Why, you might ask, have there been no human trials and studies on colloidal silver and cancer, until now?
The answer is quite simple, my friends:
It’s because it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to over a billion dollars to conduct full-scale FDA trials that are required to get any substance or new drug approved by the FDA. And no one is going to spend that kind of money for something that they cannot uniquely patent, monopolize and profit from.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are awfully high table stakes — so high that only the Big Pharma companies and venture capitalists looking to make huge profits can afford to sit at the table. They most assuredly will not spend such money on a completely natural substance like colloidal silver, which you can easily make at home for only pennies a quart!
But now, thanks to a very brave cancer patient and some brave cancer researchers who wanted to document his experience, we finally do have in-human proof of what many of us have known, or at least strongly suspected for years: Colloidal silver is deadly against cancer, and it can indeed work for cancer in humans.
The Evidence for Silver Against Cancer is Staggering
To see further proof of the effectiveness of colloidal silver and silver nanoparticles against cancer, I recommend taking a look at the following articles, which describe some of the laboratory test tube studies demonstrating silver to be effective against cancer cells and tumors:
- Silver Kills Lung Cancer Cells and Slows Lung Cancer Tumor Growth (October 2nd, 2018)
- Colloidal Silver Kills Cancer: Best Info Resources (November 7th, 2017)
- Silver Induces Cervical Cancer Cells to Destroy Themselves (November 3, 2015)
- Colloidal Silver Kills Human Breast and Liver Cancer Cells (October 10, 2015)
- Is Nanosilver the Cure for Neuroblastoma Cancer? (August 12, 2015)
- Silver Nanoparticles Stop Cancer Without Toxic Harm (October 5, 2014)
- Silver Kills Some Cancer Tumors Better Than Chemotherapy, Says British Researchers (February 6, 2012)
- Colloidal Silver and Cancer (January 11, 2011)
Or, for an excellent and thoroughly detailed look at over 50 clinical trials and studies about silver and cancer — including test tube studies and animal studies alike — I highly recommend Steve Barwick’s book Colloidal Silver and Cancer – A Surprising Look“. You can read more about his book, HERE.
The Cancer Cat Is Now Out of the Bag
Yes folks, the “colloidal silver and cancer” cat is now out of the bag, in a big way. And the entire world (and your health) are better for it!
We can only now wait for cancer researchers to start taking this subject seriously, and begin performing more in-human trials — including their much-vaunted “double-blind, placebo-controlled” studies — in order to document specific dosages and application methods that might work for different types of cancers.
After all, it’s largely thanks to the self-serving foot-dragging of the medical community and the medical bureaucrats on this issue that dosage, frequency of application, and other key factors of treatment are still unknown in regards to helping the human body heal itself from various forms of cancer using silver.
And please pay no attention to all the mainstream medical misinformation about colloidal silver being “ineffective,” “risky” and/or “dangerous.”
Though this erroneous information continues to be posted on mainstream medical websites and blogs, it’s done despite the many studies, trials, scientific papers and the thousands of first-person testimonials and experiences which prove such allegations to be bald-faced, self-serving lies.
While there’s no doubt that abusive, long-term use of colloidal silver can indeed result in a skin condition known as argyria (aka “blue man syndrome”), the responsible use of colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be completely safe, with literally millions of bottles of commercial colloidal silver brands being sold every year throughout the world.
As you might remember from above, the gentleman who cured his own cancer drank four ounces of his homemade colloidal silver per day, for three months, and the clinical researchers could find no evidence whatsoever of toxicity or harm!
Four ounces per day is well above the normal, daily recommended nutritional supplement dosage for colloidal silver, which is about one teaspoon to one ounce per day depending upon body weight. Yet even at this relatively high dosage, no harm was found over the three month period.
Please keep in mind that I’m not recommending or “prescribing” this dosage to anyone, for any condition. I’m not a doctor. I’m only a natural health journalist. And I’m only reporting on the facts documented in this clinical trial.
In Steve Barwick’s book, Colloidal Silver and Cancer: a Surprising Look, you’ll find anecdotal accounts from people who say they cured their own cancers using far smaller amounts, including accounts of lung cancer being cured using only a few teaspoons of colloidal silver daily.
This is why it’s so very important that clinical researchers set aside their prejudices against natural healing modalities and do the research needed to determine proper dosages for different types of cancers. I can’t emphasize that enough.
Until the next time, I remain your friendly, intrepid reporter spreading the truth as best I can about colloidal silver and other natural alternatives to mainstream medicine.
Live long, live healthy and live happy!
Tony M. Isaacs
Important Addendum: Where to Find Colloidal Silver
If you’re brand new to colloidal silver usage and are wondering where to buy it, it’s important to know that you can find it in just about any well-stocked health food store in America. It’s also available on Amazon and numerous other websites.
But it can be extremely expensive. In fact, because colloidal silver works so well against numerous forms of infection and disease, it has the highest price mark-up of any nutritional supplement in existence.
The amount of actual silver in a four-ounce bottle of colloidal silver is about five to 12 cents worth. (Yes, I said five to twelve cents.)
Yet because that small amount of silver is all it takes to decimate so many different kinds of infections, the manufacturers mark it up about 16,000%, charging a whopping $20 or $30 per bottle.
What’s more, manufacturers promoting the latest faddish colloidal silver product often charge far more per bottle – sometimes $35 to $50 for a tiny four-ounce bottle.
And people are more than willing to pay through the nose for these commercial colloidal silver products at health food stores because colloidal silver does indeed heal infections and prevent the spread of germs and disease faster and better than any other natural supplement on the planet!
So, commercially speaking, the retail price of colloidal silver at health food stores reflects its value to the consumer far more so than its true cost to produce. But here’s the good news:
Colloidal Silver for Pennies!
As I mentioned, typical health food store prices for colloidal silver can range from $20 to $30 for a tiny, four-ounce bottle.
But with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you can make your own safe, pure, high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver for about 36 cents a quart! In other words, you can make it at actual cost, just like the big colloidal silver bottlers do.
Compared to typical health food store prices, your first two one-quart batches literally pay for the entire cost of your new generator! Do you know of any other health product that literally pays for itself the very first few times you use it? The savings are absolutely astonishing!
In fact, by making your own high-quality colloidal silver with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you’ll be as close to having FREE colloidal silver as you can get, and for the rest of your life!
You’ll never have to pay those exorbitant health food store prices again!
The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is now the world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator. Here are just a few reasons why you should own one…
- It pays for itself after your very first batch or two — your total cost to make your first one-quart batch is about 36 cents, compared to the $240 you’d pay at a health food store if you bought an equivalent amount (i.e., eight of those little 4-ounce bottles they normally sell for $30 apiece)!
- Safe, simple to operate…No special skills needed…You just set the handy timer, plug it in, walk away, and three hours later you have a perfect batch of therapeutic quality micro-particle colloidal silver…every time! Here’s a short pictorial demonstrating how astonishingly easy it is to use a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge:
- Produces uncommonly small silver micro-particles as low as .8 nm. That’s a fraction of a single nanometer. Compare that to health food store colloidal silver which can contain silver particles as large as 200 nm to 1,000 nm (or even larger), and you’ll see why micro-particle colloidal silver is the very best there is! Smaller particles mean your body can absorb and utilize up to 99% of the colloidal silver you take, compared to maybe 30% or 40% with many health food store brands!
- Runs on standard household electricity, but uses less power than a tiny Christmas tree bulb – you won’t even see a blip on your electric bill!
- Produces uniform, crystal clear batches every single time that store for months, or even years, without losing potency!
- Cannot produce silver chloride or unsafe substances – you get pure, therapeutic-quality micro-particle colloidal silver every time!
Just read through some of the testimonials below to see for yourself how you’ll save literally thousands of dollars per year by making your own colloidal silver with your brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge!
Customer Testimonials
Here’s what one customer recently wrote to tell us:
“Owning a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge has given us the luxury of being able to use high-quality colloidal silver any time we need it. And we never have to worry about the costs because it only costs a few pennies per quart to make! It is without a doubt the single-best money-saving appliance in my entire house!
Best of all, the machine is very easy to use, and easy to store. I was concerned about ease-of-use, but my fears were unfounded. After I got mine and used it, I immediately bought one and sent it to my 83 year old mom, and she uses it regularly as well.
Now that I have a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, I can use colloidal silver for everything — disinfecting the kitchen sinks, countertops, and the cutting board… spraying the toilet bowls, and the bathroom countertops and sinks… spraying it on my toothbrush to prevent bacterial growth…rinsing my mouth with it to prevent cavities and gum disease…you name it.
I even put it in the laundry rinse cycle when I do my linens, towels and kitchen rags, so I don’t have to wash them as frequently. It really keeps them fresh, and there’s never any mold or mildew anywhere in our house.
I also put some in the cat’s water bowl each day, and the dog’s too. We use it in the bathtub for skin problems. And of course we drink it when our tummies are queasy, or when we feel a cold or flu coming on. We also gargle with it in order to get rid of sore throats, and sniff it up our noses to get rid of sinus problems.
My husband even sprays it on his hair in the mornings, and has completely eliminated his lifelong dandruff problem. And he sprays a little bit in his eyes from time to time, and now has no more recurrent problems with sties.”
— K. Sullivan, NM
And here’s what another happy customer wrote to say about the tremendous savings she’s achieved by no longer having to purchase her colloidal silver through health food stores:
“We make a quart of colloidal silver at least once a week with the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from the Silver Edge. I finally sat down and figured out how much this machine has been saving us. By making our own colloidal silver we’ve saved $11,503.20 this year alone, compared to the cost of colloidal silver at our local health food store.
The cost for colloidal silver at our local health food store is $30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle. But with my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, I can make eight times that amount (i.e., a full quart) for about 35 cents total cost.
If I were to purchase a quart of colloidal silver at the health food store, which would be eight of those tiny, four-ounce bottles, the cost would be a whopping $240 (i.e., 8 x $30 = $240) compared to the 35 cents I now spend to make a full quart!
Here’s the breakdown of our costs to make a full quart of colloidal silver with our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator: It costs us about a dollar for a gallon of steam-distilled water at Walmart. So a quart of the steam-distilled water costs about 25 cents. And I estimate we use maybe a nickel’s worth of electricity and maybe another nickel’s worth of silver from the silver rods for every one-quart batch of colloidal silver we make. So that’s 35 cents a quart, all told, for each quart of micro-particle colloidal silver we make!
And frankly, considering how long the .999 fine silver rods have lasted (over a year and a half, so far, for the most recent set), I think it’s probably even cheaper than that. But it’s the lifetime savings we’ve experienced that’s just mind-boggling to me.
For example, we’ve had our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver unit for nearly five years now. And as I mentioned we make one quart per week, and we spend about 35 cents a week on making colloidal silver.
This means we save about $239.65 a week by not having to purchase a quart’s worth of colloidal silver at our local health food store. So do the math: In just one month, the savings is $958.60…in one year, the savings is $11,503.20…and in five years we’ve saved approximately $57,516.00!
When you put pencil to paper and figure it out, it definitely takes you by surprise. You just think ‘No way. I must have multiplied that wrong.’
But it’s true. The savings is legitimately well over $11,000 a year over health food store prices for colloidal silver, if you make and use a quart of colloidal silver a week like we do! And we reap that incredible savings from the very reasonable $250 investment we made in purchasing our Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator.
In their advertising literature, The Silver Edge says the unit completely pays for itself after your first couple of one-quart batches. But really, that’s quite an understatement when you realize the true extent of your savings!
Of course, once you start making your own colloidal silver with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you don’t really think about how much you’re saving compared to health food store prices, because it just becomes a normal part of your everyday life. But the savings is nevertheless astonishing when you reflect on it.
What’s especially nice is being able to produce a significantly higher-quality colloidal silver than what’s generally available to the public through health food stores, especially at such a tiny, tiny fraction of the cost.”
— Marie Wilkey, SC
The Bottom Line…
With a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you’ll never again have to pay exorbitant health food store or internet vendor prices for high-quality colloidal silver!
Indeed, your first batch or two will indeed completely pay for the entire cost of your generator, compared to health food store prices!
What’s more, you’ll be able to give colloidal silver away FREE to family members, friends and neighbors, because you’ll be making it — literally — for only a few pennies per batch!
Simply click on this link to learn more about this phenomenal new breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology, including our current, time-limited, money-saving offers that can save you up to $100 if you act quickly and decisively!
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another insightful article on colloidal silver….
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
Steve Barwick, author
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
Helpful Links:
FREE Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report
Colloidal Silver Secrets Group on Facebook
Make Your Own Colloidal Silver for Pennies
.999 Pure Silver Wire for Making Colloidal Silver
Subscribe to the Colloidal Silver Secrets Ezine
Videos on Making and Using Colloidal Silver
Real-Life Colloidal Silver Success Stories
Colloidal Silver Update (News & Views)
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
The Colloidal Silver Secrets Video
Colloidal Silver Kills Viruses
Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.
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NOTE: You can also go to for a purhcase of a Colloidal Silver Generator. We have used such for years.
For further information read my article entitled "~~~~ PEOPLE OF THE LIE: COLLOIDAL SILVER" -