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What your nails say about your overall well-being (plus tips on how to maintain nail health)

Zoey Sky

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Did you know that your fingernails can indicate your overall well-being? If you have strong and healthy-looking nails, you probably have nothing to worry about.

However, if you have weak and brittle nails, you may need to make dietary changes or stop using certain products to keep your fingernails in good condition.

Follow the tips below for healthier and stronger nails.

Follow a balanced diet

A nutrient-rich diet will help keep your nails strong and boost your overall health. Alternatively, you can take a multivitamin if you don’t think you get enough minerals and vitamins through your diet.

Take biotin supplements

Biotin is a B-vitamin that helps keep the nervous system, hair and nails healthy.

You can get biotin by adding these foods to your diet:

  • Avocado
  • Beef liver
  • Broccoli
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Sunflower seeds

Biotin is water-soluble, meaning you can’t store it in your body. To address this, consume these biotin-rich foods or take supplements. (Related: Shiny hair, stronger nails: Add these 8 biotin-rich foods to your diet.)

Consume enough protein

Protein is also needed for healthy nails. If you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, your nails won’t grow as strong.

Follow a balanced diet and boost your protein intake by consuming more protein-rich foods like beans, eggs, fish and lean meats.

Stay hydrated

Being hydrated directly affects your nail health. If you’re dehydrated, your nails may turn weak and brittle, making them more prone to breaking or peeling.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people get enough fluids to remain hydrated by drinking water when they feel thirsty and after eating a meal.

If you need to increase your daily water intake, the tips below can help you:

  • Always bring a reusable water bottle.
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
  • Drink water at meals instead of soda or other beverages.

Don’t use gel or acrylic nails

Using gels or acrylic nail polish can damage your nails and make them prone to peeling. The Skin Cancer Foundation warns that the UV light used to dry nail polish also carries a potential risk since UV light is associated with both skin cancer and premature aging.

For healthier, stronger nails, take a break from gels and acrylic polishes or don’t use them at all.

Don’t use certain kinds of nail products

Many nail products can cause damage, like nail polish remover and other nail treatments. These products often contain chemicals that can make your nails weaker and more prone to breakage.

When buying nail care products, avoid those that contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde.

Wear gloves when using cleaning products

A lot of cleaning products contain dangerous chemicals. You may not notice any damage to your skin or nails when using a cleaning product, but they can cause damage in the long run.

Wear rubber gloves when handling cleaning products to avoid potential damage. To keep your skin and nails healthy, use organic cleaning products made with non-toxic ingredients.

Check your medication

Certain medications, especially diuretics, can dehydrate your nails. If your nails are brittle and weak, consult your healthcare provider about potentially changing your medications to avoid this side effect.

Consult a professional

Talk to a dermatologist if you want to assess your nails, health history and personal care. A dermatologist can also give you advice on supplements that will help strengthen your nails without interacting with other medications.

Follow a healthy diet, eat biotin-rich foods and stay hydrated to keep yof ur nails healthy and strong.

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