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In Case You Missed It...

Illinois "Fast-Tracks" Becoming "Abortion Capital of America"
The Illinois state government is fast-tracking identical "abortion on demand" legislation in both the state House and Senate, and the Democratic governor is fully on board. If passed, parental notice requirements will be obliterated, and there will be no protections for babies who survive abortions in that state. Abortion clinic regulations will also be repealed and non-doctors allowed to perform abortions. According to The Federalist: "A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State." The measures are similar to those already passed in New York and Virginia. None of this pro-death legislative popcorn is an accident. Blue states are amid a concerted effort to beat the Supreme Court to the abortion finish line ahead of the end of Roe v. Wade.

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