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A longtime pro-life activist vows there will be opposition to a new mega-clinic announced by Planned Parenthood that apparently will have the capability of doing abortions on an industrial scale.

WRSP-TV in Springfield, Illinois, reported on Wednesday that Planned Parenthood used a "shell company" to build in secret an 18,000-square-foot industrial complex for abortionists.

"They built the facility in secret to avoid delays and protestors," the report said of the new operation in Fairview Heights, Illinois.

A Planned Parenthood official, Colleen McNicholas, said, "We are excited to expand our abortion services in Illinois."

But Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, pointed out the strategy of building an abortion business in secret was used a decade ago in Aurora, Illinois, where another mega-clinic already is operating.

"News broke this morning that Planned Parenthood will soon be opening a secretly built abortion mega-center in Fairview Heights, Illinois," he said. "Ironically, it was 12 years ago today that Planned Parenthood opened their first mega-center in Aurora, Illinois, after similarly deceiving the local community about what kind of medical facility was actually coming to town.

"Planned Parenthood pretends that abortion is just another form of healthcare, but their practice of deceiving local communities shows otherwise. Abortion is violence, and even those who support legal abortion don’t want to live next door to that violence," he pointed out.

"Planned Parenthood pretends they're all about choice, but they repeatedly deny any choice to local communities about whether or not they want an major abortion facility in their town. They likewise deny pro-life contractors any choice in whether or not they want to help build an abortion center, by lying to them about what they’re actually building," he said.

"Planned Parenthood is not about healthcare, nor is Planned Parenthood about choice. Planned Parenthood is about one thing: abortion.

"But they will not go unopposed. Just as the pro-life community has continued to be present outside their first mega-center in Aurora, Illinois, we will confront this latest abortion center in Fairview Heights with our peaceful, compassionate, life-saving outreach," he said.

Eric Scheidler's father, Joe Scheidler, founded the Pro-Life Action League in 1980 to end abortion. He was sued by abortion activists under the federal Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations law over pro-life demonstrations at abortion businesses.

The RICO statute used against him was intended to battle organized crime.

The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court multiple times, and Joe Scheidler won each time.

After the Aurora facility was built in secret, a campaign was launched against the pro-lifers falsely describing them as "advocating violence against both persons and property."

WND reported in 2006 that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for the third time in favor of pro-life activists who were sued by NOW over their aggressive demonstrations at abortion clinics under the RICO law.

In 2003, WND reported NOW lost its second round in the Supreme Court in a decisive 8-1 ruling. The feminist group charged that protests organized the Pro-Life Action League amounted to extortion under RICO.

Through prayer vigils outside abortion facilities and sidewalk counseling, the Pro-Life Action League reaches out to women and couples with alternatives to abortion, confidential counseling and access to pregnancy resources.

Critics charged city officials violated their zoning codes in allowing the clinic construction project to move forward.

In addition, Planned Parenthood's subsidiary, Gemini Office Development (GOD), was accused of falsifying permit applications, obtaining an invalid building permit and violating other city laws during the construction process.