A Jewish French Doctor Demolishes the Holohoax as a Zionist Conspiracy to Deceive the World
Well, in the 1960's there were a lot of Jews in the Zionist Gangster State of Israel, who wanted to tell the truth about the so called Holohoax. They were silenced by Anti-Revisionist laws and then the FRG and other countries followed the voice of their Lord in Tel Aviv and thus we have there Anti-Revisionist laws as well. Here David Brockschmidt, whose mother is a Polish Jewess:
A lot of Jewish witnesses suffer from a false memory-syndrome, because they state that the dead bodies after gassing with cyclone B had a dark-blue-black color and that is nonsense, because bodies after gassings with cyclone B have a red-pink color. Here another Jewish witness: http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1045
Read Main Article Here At Original Site: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=128934
Read Main Article Here At Backup Site: https://www.therussophile.org/a-jewish-french-doctor-demolishes-the-holohoax-as-a-zionist-conspiracy-to-deceive-the-world.html/