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GENOCIDE Disguised as Mandatory Vaccinations – Georgia’s 500,000 FEMA Coffins Are Owned By the CDC in Atlanta- and Traced Back to WHO (with video)


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Breaking News: 7.29.2009











Military Poised to Help FEMA Battle Swine Flu Outbreak - Executive Order Authorizes US Military Troops To Deploy This Fall in 5 Regions of the USA

7.27.2009  Note from CKH:  It is overwhelmingly apparent after reading the research article subitted below that the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has been planning for a pandemic, along with the World Health Organization,  long before their media-hyped “Swine Flu” panic which began this spring. It would appear they procured and stored the means of mass body disposal long before the outbreak of the swine flu. How convenient. This plan borders on open genocide in plain view of an incdedulous world public. Once again, we connect the dots.  7.27.2009

FEMA coffin patent: “Multi-functional cremation container for a cadavar” * FEMA coffin ownership traced back to CDC and WHO

July 26, 2009 by birdflu666

The FEMA coffins were patented as “multi-functional cremation containers” for dead bodies.

The patent indicates that the coffins are part of a plan in which people are to be killed in large numbers before they are placed in the coffins for transportation in FEMA trains to FEMA camps where incinerators are reported to be in place.

There have been credible reports of 500,000 FEMA coffins stacked in Georgia, close to FEMA IV’s regional headuqarter’s in Atlanta.

A local landowner is reported to have said that the coffins belong to the Center of Disease Control, a center affialated with WHO, and also based in Atlanta, Georgia.

WHO has been “preparing” — together with FEMA and Homeland Security — for mass fatalities due to a “swine flu” emergency while other experts, including most recently French Professor Bernard Debre, have said the “swine flu” is a harmless flu, reinforcing fears that WHO is hpying up the pandemic to justify mandating the “bioweapon” vaccines in the USA at gunpoint.

This video by Jason, who found the patent, examines this topic:

Also, Homeland Security and FEMA, branches of WHO and the UN, are to coordinate the UN troops about to start a “counterterrorism exercise” on US soil from July 27th.

Please contact your local law enforcement and military bases and ask them to keep a watch on your community throughout these exercises.

For a 76 page guide on how to mointor NLE 09 communications traffic to track the exercises see

source: Jim Stachowiak.

“The American Resistance Movement is now in possession of the 76 page guide lists the radio frequencies, repeater input / output / talk-around frequencies, trunked radio network details including CTCSS codes for “private line” carrier squelching, satellite communications codes, radio programming instructions and more! In the event of a national emergency, – or the round-up of “dissident” citizens — this is how the various agencies of the federal government will communicate with each other AND with various agencies of the state and local governments. Thanks to this guide, we’ll know what to tune-in, so as to monitor what they’ve begun doing and, if need be, be able to plan in advance to jam those frequencies if the government tries to attack the citizenry or round-up “dissidents.”Nevertheless, if the government is coming to round up citizens, then the law has already gone out the window, so being able to disrupt their communications will be essential. This booklet will make such self-defense, much easier,” says Freedom Fighter.

Here is a government press release:

DHS Coordinates National Level Exercise to Prevent Terrorist Attacks with Federal, State, Local Tribal, Private Sector, and International Partners


Release Date: July 24, 2009

For Immediate Release

Office of the Press Secretary

Contact: 202-282-8010

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will launch on Monday the five-day National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)—the first national level exercise to focus on terrorism prevention—in conjunction with federal, state, local, tribal, private sector and international partners.

“Coordinating with our partners across the United States and around the world is critical to protecting the nation from terrorist attacks,” said Secretary Janet Napolitano. “The National Level Exercise allows us to test our capabilities in real-time to refine and strengthen our strategies for preventing terrorist attacks.”

The Congressionally mandated exercise—directed by the White House and coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)—promotes intelligence and information sharing between and among federal, state, tribal, local, private sector and international participants. The NLE 09 scenario focuses on preventing a terrorist from entering the United States to carry out additional attacks in the aftermath of a terrorist event outside of the country, prioritizing intelligence and law enforcement activities that detect, disrupt and deter preventable terrorist incidents.

“FEMA’s focus is to make sure that our entire response team, from the general public up to the highest level of government, is taking steps now to increase preparedness – regardless of what the next emergency or disaster is,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “This exercise is an important step in our ongoing preparedness efforts, and allows FEMA and its federal partners to better serve and protect our citizens.”

The Departments of Homeland Security, Defense, Justice, and State, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and a broad spectrum of component agencies, offices and commands will all participate in the exercise. NLE 09 activities will take place at command posts, emergency operation centers, intelligence centers and field locations throughout the country, including federal headquarters facilities in the Washington, D.C. area as well as federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector facilities in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and California. International partner nations will include Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The Navajo Nation will also participate.

Following the exercise, a comprehensive evaluation process will assess counterterrorism and law enforcement prevention capabilities regionally, nationally and internationally.

To learn more about NLE 09, visit