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other, Ezekiel Emmanual who is an avowed Eugenicist and has been appointed "the health Czar" Under Obama with no approval or committee hearing on his appointment because of his writings that would have prevented him from ever reaching that high a post within the US Gov.   He previously wrote quite a bit about the need to use public policy to move the nation from Valuing "individual" rights to valuing "societies rights" by supporting  policies shifting from everyone to only those citizens deemed PRODUCTIVE and thus valuable to the society as a whole and that was to be determined by those in power.  The result were his recommendations that those diseases that accompany age would be eliminated from basic guaranteed health care.    I have those writings and they will be put up for you to see when the commentary is finished. 


Wall street has set up another derivatives betting on when seniors will die off.  They have also rigged another scam to use on Seniors and it goes like this..... seniors have life insurance with cash value.    The face value is always much higher than the cash value.   When severely strapped for cash, Wall street brokers give the senior 75% of their "CASH VALUE" on their policy  which might be only $7,500, but the face value of the policy maybe $100,000.  The senior then signs over that policy to the Banker as beneficiary when he/she dies for that "face value" of the policy of $100,000.   So now, it becomes important to know just how fast can you make that senior die so those millions in that bubble can be raked into the bankers.    Thus policies have been geared to making it harder and harder for them to survive.   That is criminal and if intentional, its first degree murder.   Remember who owns the politicians.... thus they are included in this scam by the laws they pass that aid these bankers in their objectives.  This is beyond Satanic. 

I put this here because its plain that this is an added movement toward taking away the support seniors need to "survive".   Between the cost of drugs,  the cut back in medicare, the cut in social security benefits by freezing COLA's for TWO years.... cutting food stamps, LEAP and heat subsidies, forbidding cheaper drugs from Canada and now this to take even more away from the seniors, is moving wholesale into killing off our seniors through public policy which officially MAKES EUGENICS THE POLICY OF THE LAND. 

If you cannot produce as a slave you will not receive benefits and will be genocided out of the nation using public policy.  That is seniors, seriously and permantly wounded vets, the handicapped, etc.   Its going to be a killer commentary when its finished.  In this instance, as usual, its the bankers who made out since they have all been paid off on those debts through government guarantees.    No mention of any means test on these either.   In some cases down right fraud has occurred in cheating seniors out of their income when in fact they never owed the debt or had paid it off previously.   That will be a whole  other article with documentation to prove it.  All of this in collusion with the Wall Street bankers.   Another bailout?  Or funds to fund more bailouts???


March 9, 2010