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Charles Manson: Global Warming Prophet

Paul Joseph Watson

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Charles Manson, the man who masterminded the brutal murders of nine people in the summer of 1969 in an effort to spark a race war in America, has adopted a new cause from his prison cell in California – he is a prophet for the global warming movement – sharing common ground with top academics, environmentalists and even the White House science czar in calling for large numbers of human beings to be exterminated in the name of saving the Earth.

A study of Manson’s belief system is an alarming exercise in understanding the roots of the modern day eugenicist movement, which is propagated via the notion that overpopulation is killing the planet and causing global warming.

The infamous “Manson family” were responsible for the barbaric slayings of actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby, as well as Rosemary LaBianca and her husband Leno, murders that sent shock waves through America and marked a sudden and crashing halt to the “free love” hippy movement of the 60’s. Manson himself shot and wounded one man, Bernard Crowe, and directed his cult-like followers in the murders of nine other victims.

Manson masterminded the murders in a bid to precipitate a race war between whites and blacks which he dubbed “Helter Skelter,” a term he took from the Beatles song of the same name. Manson and his followers were arrested for the murders in October, November and December of 1969 and all received life sentences.

Preaching the same cause as James Jay Lee, the crazed eco-warrior who stormed a Discovery Channel building last week armed with guns and explosives, Manson continues to attract a loyal following from new members of his “family” who share the notorious killer’s obsession with the need to exterminate humans in order to save the Earth from global warming.

Charles Manson: Global Warming Prophet 070910top2

Manson, who still adorns a Nazi swastika tattoo on his forehead, did not glom on to the global warming bandwagon after seeing Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, the movie that gunman Lee cited as his inspiration, he was preaching about the need to kill people in order to save the polar ice caps from melting as far back as the mid-80’s.

Watch the following clip, filmed in 1987 by the Today Show, in which Manson attempts to absolve his role in the brutal murders of Sharon Tate, Rosemary LaBianca and seven others, by saying the slayings were justified in the name of the environment and expressing regret that he could not have killed more people.

Responding to a question about why he directed the killings, Manson responded, “I am working to save my air, my water, my trees and my wildlife, and I’m trying to do away with society.”

“Why don’t you tell them that the polar caps are melting because you’re creating so much heat with this machine,” continues Manson….”Maybe I should have killed four or five hundred people then I would have felt better, I would have felt like I’d really offered society something…..the truth is the planet Earth is dying.”

In a separate clip from the same interview, Manson chillingly states, “If I started murdering people, there’d be none of you left.”

The You Tube clips of Manson’s prison interviews are accompanied by hundreds of comments from people who agree with his barbarous views on the need to kill humans in order to save the Earth.

Manson also talks about the need to set up “suicide parlors” so that people can kill themselves in an orderly fashion so that the world can be cleansed of humans.

In another interview with Geraldo Rivera, Manson goes further, saying that 50 million dead will be required to please mother Earth.

“I’m gonna kill you, as many as I can. I’m gonna pile you up to the sky, I figure about 50 million,” said Manson, “I figure if I can get about 50 million of you I might be able to save my trees and my air and my water and my wildlife.”

Mason characterized the slaughter of 50 million people in the name of saving the planet as “just a drop in the bucket of what’s really coming.”


Sept. 7, 2010