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Rocky Montana / November 11, 2012


On November 6, 2012 the majority of California voters decided to vote-out one of God's Laws; Thou Shalt Not Murder.  Entitled Proposition 34: Should the State replace the Death Penalty with Life Imprisonment?  By a 52.8% to 47.2% margin, the people of California voted in favor of the Death Penalty even though the passage of Proposition 34 would have saved the state 100,000,000 annually and those found guilty of murder would be required to work and their wages would be applied to any victim restitution fines or orders against them.  At the time of the vote, California had 725 prisoners on death row.  Since the 1978 Death Sentence Law went into effect 73 death row prisoners have had a stay of execution, 13 prisoners have been executed and one prisoner was ordered to Missouri for execution.  The last prisoner was executed in 2006 at which time a California judge issued a moratorium on executions under the question of whether the lethal injection system used delivers excessive physical pain to the victim.  Was the judge more concerned about giving a prisoner excessive pain than murdering him, or was this a valiant act of sabotage against the 1978 law on the part of a conscientious objector to State sponsored murder?  [2] 

Regardless of the courts moratorium on the Death Penalty, the focus of this message is focused on the intent of those 52.8% of California voters and all who may think alike.  The fact is, this is not a Conservative versus Liberal issue; this is an issue of Right versus Wrong, of God versus Evil.  The Death Penalty is State Sponsored Murder any way you look at it.  In voting for the Death Penalty, have these ones not broken their covenant with their Creator by voting for State sponsored murder, euphemistically called "execution"?  Mahatma Gandhi said, "An Eye For An Eye Only Makes The Whole World Blind", and it is true.  I believe Gandhi was speaking of the deadly sin (error) of WRATH, which represents a much more intense emotional state than anger or even rage.  One who is WRATHFUL seeks to actively avenge his rage against the one or more persons he perceives maliciously wronged him or one or more of his loved ones.  Regardless of the emotional state of the one(s) feeling victimized, the act of seeking the ultimate revenge against the guilty party, although he has been tried, convicted and is securely behind bars and can no longer damage another, is spiritually the wrong course of action.  We, as a society, must learn to administer punishment according to the Laws of God and Creation if we are ever to evolve as a species.  [1]

"Whatever the degree of crime against the Laws of God and The Creation then, so too must the "punishment" be given ALSO within the Laws of God and Creation.  If one murders or rapes another, then the verdict of punishment must be given in level-headed logic and wisdom according to THE LAW OF GOD AND CREATION, NOT wrathful VENGEANCE according to your will of fury or wrath." [1]

A good example of administering punishment according to the Laws of God and Creation follows: "Within the Pleiades star system, there are several planets occupied by your Pleiadian brothers and sisters.  Although crimes against the Laws of God and Creation are now quite rare in The Pleiades, when they do occur, the ones committing same are actually sent to a "prison" planet of sorts, in separation from the GOD-LAW abiding ones, and also segregated by sex so that reproduction is not possible.  This is the wise and logical punishment given by GOD's directive to his beloved children of Pleiades.  The rest of Pleiades society is thereby kept in relative peace, balance and harmony.  The ones on the "prison" planet have freedom upon only the planet and must earn their survival without the more "modern" conveniences of Pleiadian society.  Most spend the rest of that lifetime upon the prison planet, but a few are occasionally returned to society depending on the nature of their crime and how well they have recognized their "sin" and are willing to offer compensatory retribution to the "victims" of their crime or to Pleiadian society in general." [1]

Does this sound a bit like a planet Earth?  Our society hasn't the ability to permanently escape the confines of Earth.  Because our society is not as advanced as our Pleiadian relatives, we cannot transport the most violent, habitual offenders of the law to another habitable planet to serve out their life sentences in survival mode.  However, there are Godly, humane ways available to Mankind.  Earth has plenty of habitable, secluded and naturally inescapable islands which can be turned into prison islands.  This has actually occurred more than once in recent history.  For example, in a French penal colony was established and operated on Devil's Island in the Atlantic, off the coast of French Guiana from 1852-1953.  A more famous penal colony was that of Botany Bay.  in 1788, a cove seven miles north of Botany Bay, Australia was selected by Captain Arthur Phillip of the British Navy to serve as a penal colony for the British Empire.  Initially 750 convicted prisoners, mostly blue-collar citizens from England and Ireland, were sent to serve out their time under the guard of 200 British marines.  In the early years the penal colony operated like a village.  The prisoners wore their own clothes, had their own homes, and had the freedom to run their own businesses.  Free family members were allowed to move to Australia with their inmate relatives and conduct a normal life.  Later the area around this penal colony was transformed into a British colony and the penal colony was shut down.  The new colony was named Sydney. Sydney is now a flourishing city and Capital of Australia.  [3]  This is proof positive that rehabilitation of convicted criminals is possible. Contrast the penal colony system in Australia with the failing prison system in the United States.

What is little understood and seldom talked about, however, are the consequences of State sponsored murder of the convicted and interned prisoners.  What about the spiritual pain of the souls who are murdered?  Do you think that ones will reincarnate back into this physical realm in a more loving state or in a lower state with revenge on his mind?  Remember this: THIS physical reality we live in IS THE ONLY SCHOOLROOM WE  ARE GIVEN to make soul growth at our third dimensional level of existence.  Souls cannot rehabilitate (learn to live according to the Laws of God and the Creation) themselves anywhere but here on Earth or on another Earth-like planet.  When the State executes (murders) a prisoner, it doesn't rid the world of that soul, but only the body of that soul.  The soul will either reincarnate into the world at same level of progression in which it left the world, often becoming a worse offender than before, or it will exist in a confused state of limbo, in Astral body form, between this Physical Plane and the Astral Plane.  The later scenario describes what ghosts and hauntings actually are, confused souls caught between two dimensions.


One of the most tried and true laws of Physics states that for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.  Why is it so hard for Mankind to understand that the Law of Cause and Effect also works in the lives of each and every human being?  The vote in California is, of course, a microcosm of the greater problem mankind is dealing with; that of understanding and obeying just one of God's Laws, Thou Shalt Not Murder.  Here is a picture of just how vast the disobedience to just this one of God's Law has spread throughout the world.  There are 33 states out of a total of 50 states that support the State's right to murder its citizens.  Also the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military obviously support murder as their right.  In addition, there are 57 countries out of a total of 196 countries in the world that support murder as a national right.  Mankind has broken all of the Laws of God and the Creation and has either rewritten or voted-out most of them and continues to do so, ever failing to realize that each act of disobedience contributes to the greater imbalance in each of their lives and in the world as a whole.  The very same ones wonder why their lives are in such chaos and why all the terrible, man-made and natural disasters have and continue to occur.  The globalists conjure excuses for unusual weather, such as excessive man-made CO2 emissions and ozone holes, and the ignorant masses accept such idiotic conjectures.  And then, in their ignorance and irresponsibility, they resort to blaming God for their suffering and the world's problems, and ask why doesn't God just come down and fix these problems.  Others who have lost their way have and are waking up to the truth and beginning to realize their errors and call to God for help and answers.  They shall and have been given the help they need to find their way.  If ones are sincere in their petitions and learn to listen for the answers they seek, they will receive help and guidance.  That is God's promise.  Most of the answers people seek are right at their fingertips in the Phoenix Journals and related Phoenix publications.  The enlightenment of Mankind is the overall purpose of the Phoenix project.


God's Laws are a perfect reflection of the Universal Laws of Balance.  When Man knowingly breaks one of these laws he individually and collectively upsets the balance, which, in turn, sets forms of chaos into motion within and without.  The Laws of Balance are immutable and will endure to the end of time and space.  God gave His children free-will, the ability to reason, and physical bodies in which to experience in His created Physical Universe.  He gave Mankind the Laws of Balance in which to live by; so that he could learn and grow in a balanced state of being.  He also explained to Mankind the consequences for knowingly acting in opposition to these Laws.  And then God allowed Mankind to live by or live in opposition to His Laws of Balance without interference from Him or His lighted followers.  Those who have not, nor will not, live according to the Laws of God and the Creation will be held back to repeat this same grade on another third dimensional placement until such time as they decide to live by these laws.  The rest of the class will graduate to a higher grade of experience and dimension according to their level of understanding and adherence to the Laws of Balance. Remember these things when God's judgment comes upon all of Mankind.






















New Hampshire

North Carolina







South Carolina

South Dakota








- U.S. Gov't

- U.S. Military      



  • Afghanistan
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belize
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  • China (People's Republic)
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  • Congo (Democratic Republic)
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  • Equatorial Guinea
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  • Oman
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  • Palestinian Authority
  • Qatar
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
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  • Thailand
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zimbabwe



[1]  Phoenix Journal 27, PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL, 'Recognizing And Defining The Most "Deadly" Sins Of Human', Page 77.

[2]  'Proposition 34: Death penalty repeal fails - San Jose Mercury News' elections/ ci_21943752/ california-proposition-34-voters-decide-whether-keep-states

[3]  'Australia as a Penal Colony' english/ students2008/ bonnie/ nonfiction/ austrailia.htm

[4]  'States With And Without The Death Penalty

Rocky Montana