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David Paulides Missing 411: Dead Fireman Strange Case

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FW:  Feb. 26, 2014

(Sept. 7, 2013)

 David Paulides Of Missing 411 On The Missing Fireman Strange Scenario


I just watched the news conference regarding the finding of the body of the missing NM firefighter, Token Adams. I would encourage everyone to watch the press conference and listen carefully to the questions asked by the reporters. They sound perplexed because the body was found ON TOP of Stable Mesa, not in a valley or a ravine. Why wasn’t the body and the ATV picked up by FLIR, it it was on top of the mesa? The incident occurred 1/4 mile off a 4×4 road yet nowhere near the fire on School Mesa. Why would he have gone off road at that point? Officials state they have a team from the New Mexico State Police investigating the scene. He was wearing a helmet and full safety gear. There was also concern expressed about why he was able to call his wife when he was in the field, yet investigators were not able to locate his position utilizing the GPS on his phone. There are many, many unanswered questions about this incident.


This is an update on the missing NM firefighter. The search has encountered two days of summer rain, hampering search efforts. There has been an absence of tracks and canines have been unable to find a scent. Remember, they are looking for an ATV and the firefighter. This week USFS utilized an Air Force plane equipped with FLIR, nothing found.It’s still early in the search effort (Day 6), but, the inability to locate a USFS Fire Captain and former Navy Special Forces member in a small area where they knew he was going seems quite unusual.


This case has us concerned. This is a seasoned USFS firefighter, a captain with extensive training and experience, including being a former hot shot. He and his crew responded to a small lightning fire when they split up on ATV’s to circle the fire, he never came back. The very unusual part of this story is that he knows this area well, and, after 3+ days of searching they can’t find the ATV, but this is not unheard of. In my latest book (Missing 411- North America and Beyond), there was a searcher in Alaska two years ago that disappeared on his ATV and it wasn’t found for 12 months. Yes, Alaska Troopers were using FLIR to locate the ATV, they couldn’t locate it at the time. Yes, NM State Police are using FLIR to find this firefighters ATV, so far, no luck.