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Duck Dynasty ISIS strategy: 'Convert or kill them'


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Sept. 3, 2014

Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty"

Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty”

“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson, who got himself suspended from the popular TV show for calling homosexuality sinful, has his own controversial strategy for dealing with ISIS jihadists terrorizing the Middle East – “convert them or kill them.”

While Barack Obama may not have a strategy for dealing with ISIS, Robertson laid out a stark, black-and-white choice for Americans in an interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night.

“You either have to convert them, which I think is almost impossible,” Robertson told Hannity. “I’m not giving up on them, but I’m saying convert them or kill them.”


Robertson explained the genuine evil exists in the world – and ISIS is a manifestation of it.

“Worldwide, planetwide, biblically speaking, two groups of people – the children of God and the whole world is under the control of the evil one,” said Robertson. “That’s 1 John 5:19. Ephesians 2 says: The evil one works in those who are disobedient. Galatians 3: They are prisoners of sin. Second Timothy 2: The Bible says they’ve been taken captive by Satan to do his will.”

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