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Sept. 5, 2014

Today, September 4, 2014, early afternoon, a California mortuary notified Mrs. Cyndi Steele that her husband Edgar was dead.  Since that time, specific circumstances regarding Mr. Steele’s death are being confirmed. This web site and the Edgar Steele Defense Fund (ESDF) will release more information as it becomes available.

Mrs. Steele contacted the ESDF Board, saying she was utterly devastated by this information, and is furious that no Victorville representative contacted her in the last few days regarding his failing health and did not even call her regarding the death of her husband. It was cruel to allow the mortuary to make the call.

Based on the best knowledge at hand, the following are the most likely causes of death: overmedication, persistently delayed, insufficient or improper medical treatment, medical neglect.  The federal government and Victorville Penitentiary bear responsibility for the lives of the inmates who reside there and have refused to be accountable for the decline in Edgar Steele’s health.

Some hours before Mrs. Steele was contacted by the mortuary, ESDF President Robert Magnuson received an email corroborating Ms. Steele’s concern for her husband’s health and safety, validating the suspicion Mr. Steele’s health had been in a sharp decline for the past month.  This fact was obscured, if not hidden by the federal government.

First, Mr. Steele was the victim of a false prosecution, then he was imprisoned in the most dangerous prison here in America. Then his wife was never allowed to visit him despite a court order allowing visitation. Then, his health was compromised because of  neglect, and finally, the reports came in that he had been drugged out of his mind earlier this week, which was the final blow that killed him. Call it anything else you like, but it is murder.

The facts of this tragic situation will be disclosed as the information is gathered.

 (Please be patient as we gather more details to present to you all…  Keep the Steele family in your thoughts and prayers.  -Admin)




His arrest has been orchestrated by a corrupt government via their armed police, in an attempt to silence his pointed, politically incorrect thought, research and commentary.  He has become a POLITICAL PRISONER.  This is a fraud, a “frame-up”.

[CLICK HERE] for fundraising info!

This web site directly addresses the arrest of Edgar J. Steele and his evolving legal battle regarding a “murder-for-hire plot” he is alleged to have undertaken.  Those involved with the content of this site have a keen interest in facts, truth, information gathering and – ultimately – the support and complete exoneration of Mr. Steele leading to a swift release from incarceration.

In the spirit of an America conceived as a Constitutional Republic, endowing free speech and fair, impartial justice upon its citizens, we must all rise from the sidelines to stand with, and for a fellow citizen.  Many believe the America of 2010 – the “great experiment in government” – has run its course and now has devolved into a megalomanical oligarchy, fearful of and abusive to citizens like Mr. Steele.

Our aim is simply to provide those visiting with accurate, timely and honest reporting of the issue at hand.  Any information shared here may be forwarded to support Mr. Steele’s legal defense.

While we entertain conjecture and discussion, the visitor to this site MUST accept that obvious negative, detracting comments will not be tolerated and will be deleted!

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