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Kevin Barrett

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Oct.  28, 2013

Israeli forces fire tear gas during clashes with Palestinian protesters in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) on October 24, 2014.

Israeli forces fire tear gas during clashes with Palestinian protesters in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) on October 24, 2014.

The Israelis have killed another young American.

Like 18-year-old Furkan Dogan, who was murdered aboard the Mavi Marmara, and 23-year-old Rachel Corrie, who was deliberately crushed beneath an Israeli bulldozer, the latest victim – 14-year-old Orwa Hammad – was martyred trying to stop the genocide in Occupied Palestine.

Unlike the 64,937 US soldiers who died useless and pointless deaths in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, these three brave young people gave their lives for a just and urgent cause. Wherever human beings care about justice, the young American heroes will be remembered. Yet the US mainstream media, which has been stealthily infiltrated by Zionists to the point that it is now a propaganda instrument of the Israeli government, works overtime to cover up the heinous murder of young Americans by Zionist occupation forces.

If the Russian government or the Iranian government or the Chinese government or the Cuban government or the North Korean government were slaughtering young Americans, the corporate media would sound the alarm. A vast outcry would ensue. Politicians would climb soapboxes to thunder denunciations of such crimes against humanity. Sanctions would be imposed. The president might even bomb the offending state.

But when the genocidal Israeli government brutally targets American teenagers, the media tries to make sure that nobody cares. And the bought-and-paid-for politicians – roughly half of whose “campaign money” (bribes) comes from Zionists – support the Israeli government while it murders Americans. It is those craven politicians, not the brave teenagers, who should be shot: By US military firing squads as the penalty for treason. The vast majority of federal office holders in the US richly deserve such a fate.

The US mainstream news of Orwa Hammad’s death featured a photo of Palestinians throwing stones above the caption, “Palestinians clash with security forces.” By telling us it is “Palestinians” who are doing the “clashing,” the Zionist propagandists are trying to make the victims look like aggressors.

The mainstream stories gave prominence to the IDF’s lying rationale for the killing. According to the AFP-Yahoo story:

“An army spokeswoman said troops posted at the village of Silwad to protect a major road widely used by Jewish settlers in the occupied territory spotted a person about to hurl a petrol bomb. ‘The forces fired immediately to neutralise the danger... and confirmed a hit,’ she said.”

The AFP-Yahoo story led with the IDF’s lies – and devoted 74 words to them. Then it devoted only 28 words to a euphemistic description of the truth, saying that according to Palestinians Hammad “was shot during a stone-throwing protest against troops, a regular occurrence at Silwad, near Ofra settlement.”

In his article “Gaza Diary,” leading American journalist Chris Hedges – who was expelled from mainstream journalism for telling the truth about the genocide in Palestine – tells us what really happens in such cases: He described how Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian children for sport. Hedges personally witnessed Israeli soldiers barking out obscene insults over loudspeakers to provoke children into throwing rocks at them. Then the soldiers murdered the children with sniper fire to the vitals.

Hedges writes:

“Yesterday at this spot the Israelis shot eight young men, six of whom were under the age of eighteen. One was twelve. This afternoon they kill an eleven-year-old boy, Ali Murad, and seriously wound four more, three of whom are under eighteen. Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered — death squads gunned them down in El Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo — but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport.”

Though he shared in a 2002 Pulitzer Prize as a New York Times journalist, Hedges was forced out in 2003 because he insisted on telling the truth.

Several years ago British Medical Journal documented more than 600 Israeli sniper-murders of children like the ones Hedges witnessed. The horrible truth is that Israeli soldiers routinely hunt Palestinian children as a sick form of recreation. And now they are hunting American teenagers as well.

The Israeli soldiers routinely make up lies, like the recent fantasy about “petrol bombs,” to cover their tracks. They are never prosecuted for their deliberate sport-shooting of helpless, unarmed children.

Zionist propagandists in the US insist that those calling attention to Israel’s systematic policy of sport-shooting children are perpetrating a “blood libel.” But truth is an absolute defense against the charge of libel. And the truth about Israel’s policy of killing children for fun has been abundantly documented.

Israel is a nation of child-killers. That is no libel. It is the simple truth.

American taxpayers are handing the child-killers in the Israeli military $8.5 million every day. And that is just direct military aid. The real total is far higher. According to the Christian Science Monitor, Israel’s actual drain on the US treasury totals in the trillions. If we add the cost of the 9/11 wars for Israel, and the associated costs of the 9/11 Zionist coup d’état and the police state it inaugurated, the Israeli vampire has drained Americans’ fiscal lifeblood to the tune of double-digit trillions of dollars – a devastating and possibly mortal blow to the US economy.

If Israel had never existed, Americans would be almost unimaginably more prosperous – and more free – than they are today.

And as recompense for America’s bankrupting itself for Israel, the Zionists slaughter American kids.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that the Israeli government is perfectly happy to mass-murder helpless Americans should investigate the USS Liberty incident of 1967... and read Christopher Bollyn’s book “Solving 9/11” alongside Alan Sabrosky’s interviews about who really blew up the World Trade Center.

The name of the website “If Americans Knew” is an apt one. If Americans knew what the Zionists have done to them, they would riot in the streets... and hang the last Zionist with the entrails of the last politician.