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Cop Allows Saudis With Dead Baby in Trunk to Drive Away So as Not to Offend Muslims

Paul Joseph Watso

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Dec. 11, 2014

Outlandish example of political correctness in Tennessee

An outlandish example of political correctness occurred in Tennessee yesterday when a police officer allowed a car full of Saudi Arabians to drive away with a dead baby reportedly in the trunk so as not to be “disrespectful” towards Muslims.

Police in Sumner and Robertson counties are on the lookout for a blue Dodge Charger after a traffic stop on Interstate 65 around 3:15 p.m. Wednesday.

The vehicle, which had paper tags and a registration violation, contained three Saudi Arabians with Saudi drivers licenses who told the officer that they had a dead child in the trunk prepared for an Islamic burial at a mosque in Franklin.

Millersville Police Chief David Hindman told News 2 that the officer, “not wanting to be disrespectful to the men or their faith, let the car drive away without checking the trunk to see if their story was true.” The cop also failed to take the names of the Saudi men or any information from their identification documents. It was also subsequently confirmed that there isn’t even a mosque in Franklin.

Hindman went on to excuse the cop’s actions, saying that he was new to the job, while suggesting that his decision to allow the men to go free was justifiable so as, “not to cause a scene with the family in the midst of their mourning.”

Hindman even consulted a Muslim religious expert who praised the cop for acting “appropriately by not defiling the body of the child.”

No action has been taken against the officer who let the Saudi men go free and he is still working.

Police are now asking mosques in the area to report any families that show up for a burial ceremony, although whether any action will even be taken is unknown.

The story will infuriate many Americans who feel that illegal immigrants and other foreigners are being given free reign to commit crimes while citizens are coming under increasing harassment from cops on the highway.

Innumerable Americans are harassed on the nation’s roads every day if a cop so much as smells weed in the car [1], but this officer was told directly there was a dead baby in the trunk and apologetically waved them on their way.

Under any other circumstances, driving down the highway with a dead child in the trunk would immediately draw suspicion from a police officer and rightly so, but the cop chose to elevate political correctness over law and normal procedure.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of [4] and Prison [5].

Article printed from Prison