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'Economic justice' group justifies execution of NYC cops

Aaron Klein

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Dec. 22, 2014

Writing in a U.S. communist newspaper, an “economic justice” organization apparently is justifying the cold-blooded murder of two New York City police officers over the weekend.

In a statement cross-posted at Worker’s World, the publication of the Workers World Party, the New York City Peoples Power Assembly Movement posted a statement complaining the alleged revenge-assassination of two officers Saturday in Brooklyn will be used by the U.S. government and police “to justify ratcheting up repression against the masses.”

The group went on to seemingly justify the actions of reported cop-killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, who first posted on social media his intention to avenge the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, both of whom were killed by police officers.

The group stated: “That said, we also know that anger over police repression and murder is so deep that it should come as no surprise to anyone that somebody would, sooner or later, act on that burning rage. Especially when the so-called justice system demonstrates time after time after time that police can, and do, murder with impunity.”

The statement repeatedly used the words “alleged” and “allegedly” in reference to Brinsley’s reported murders.

“We underscore the word ‘allegedly’ because all we know about what happened is what the police have told us. And while at the moment we have no information that counters the police story, we always suspect whatever the police say because they lie all the time,” the group said.

The New York City Peoples Power Assembly Movement claimed “99.9 percent of the violence comes from the police.” It accused law enforcement of “waging a racist, violent and deadly war against Black and Brown people, especially young people.”

The group said the “new narrative coming from on high will be that the murders of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Ramarley Graham, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, John Crawford III and thousands of other young people of color don’t matter anymore.”

“Let us not forget: It is the police who kill without mercy, without regret, without concern for the families of their victims. It is the police who function like a gang, alien and hostile to most of society that’s not privileged by class or race.”

The group said the “only concern of the police is that their violence, their cover-ups and lies not be questioned.”

The statement was originally posted at, which is closely affiliated with the Alliance for Global Justice, or AGJ. In it’s “About Us” page, the AGJ website traces the group to an older organization, the Nicaragua Network.

Discover the Networks notes the communist-supporting Nicaragua Network shared its address with the Marxist-Leninist front group International ANSWER.

DTN documents that activist Al Sharpton addressed an April 2002 anti-war rally coordinated by the Nicaragua Network.

Indeed, Sharpton has been a speaker at scores of International ANSWER rallies. His National Action Network routinely co-sponsors demonstrations with the group, including a protest in July in support of Trayvon Martin.

With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott.

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