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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Feb. 17, 2015

JEWS HAVE USED A LIE to murder over 50 million Gentile babies since 1973 when the Supreme Court decided to grant the Jews their murderous demand in the Abortion-Rights case of Roe Vs Wade.

Yes - over a half a million Gentile babies have been murdered by the “Jewish” decision of the Supreme Court Justices in theRoe Vs Wade case. Even today, there is a Jewish Pro-Abortionist feminist on the Supreme Court bench by the name of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

For it was the Jewish feminists such as Betty Friedan, Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt), and their NOW & NARAL organizations, that pushed for the abortion law. And the National Organization For Women (NOW) is dominated by lesbians. Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt) is herself an admitted lesbian and even brags about having as her lover, the Rothschild heiress, Nicole Stephane Rothschild. It is a known fact that lesbians have a hatred for men and despise their reproductive faculties because it is male dependent.

Both lesbians and Jews don’t care about Gentile babies. According to the Jewish Talmud, Gentiles are nothing more than cattle to be slaughtered. But not very Jewish babies have been murdered by the Jewish abortionists. This is because Jewish women take the pill and most of them get married.

Moses Maimonides is the most respected of all the Jewish Rabbis amongst the Jewish people. Even some “enlightened” Christians have a high regard for this 12th Century rabbi. But what I wish to “enlighten” all Gentiles of is the hatred toward Gentiles that Maimonides harboured: