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CEO of Switzerland’s Biggest Insurer Commits Suicide – What did he know?

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June 1, 2016

Why are men/women at the top committing suicide? Is it really suicide or are they all being murdered to keep them out of courts and from telling the truth?

The former chief executive of Zurich Insurance has killed himself, the company said on Monday, less than three years after the company’s chief financial officer also took his own life. The death of Martin Senn, 59, takes the number of suicides by executives at Switzerland’s biggest companies to five in just eight years.

Senn was chief executive of Zurich in 2013 when Pierre Wauthier, the insurer’s chief financial officer, killed himself. Zurich, Switzerland’s biggest insurer, said it was “stunned and deeply shaken” by the death of Senn, who was chief executive between 2010 and 2015.

In a statement it said: “Martin Senn’s family has informed us that Martin committed suicide last Friday. With Martin, we lose not only a commendable former CEO and valued former colleague, but also a good-hearted friend. Our thoughts are with his family, to whom we express our deepest condolences.

“Out of respect for Martin and out of consideration for the family, we will not make any further comment.” Police in the canton of Grisons confirmed they had responded to a case but gave no further details.

Senn resigned from the company on:…ys-company

Was there more lost data?

Flashback 2010 – News Update: Zurich Insurance PLC Fined $3.5M by FSA Over Lost Data Issues

Insurance Companies on the favorable side of court rulings – U.S. court system – who do they really work for?

Is it really the people or the profit insurance companies are concerned about?

13-56249 Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp. v. Zurich American Insurance Co.

Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation appeals the district court’s summary judgment in favor of Zurich American Insurance Company and Hartford Insurance Company in Big 5’s diversity insurance coverage action.

Did dead CEO disagree with bankers and insurance joining together for more profits?

Banking Union – European Deposit Insurance Scheme – Insurance Apprentice for Detail

New world order consolidation?

Another cash cow coming = Security Deposit Insurance -The easy alternative for tenants and landlords – Really? All over the world insurance compaines and bankers joining together for the people, or for themselves? Another scam for more money?…ty-deposit

international financial network SWIFT will “expand” use of two-factor authentication

Is this a propaganda story and a push to insure deposits?

Dead CEO and changes in the banking system – scam for cash?

If you don’t insure then you lose it?

The international financial network SWIFT has said it will “expand” its use of two-factor authentication when banks shift funds. The belated decision comes following a turbulent few weeks in which a series of multi-million dollar thefts carried out through the SWIFT system came to light.

Bangladesh’s central bank lost $81m, Ecuadoran bank Banco del Austro SA lost $12m, and the same attacks were also used against a bank in the Philippines and the Vietnamese bank Tien Phong. SWIFT’s initial response to the hacks was to stress that its network had not been compromised and the thefts were the result of other banks’ systems being hacked.

But that slant on things elicited a fierce response, with experts pointing out that SWIFT’s security measures were severely lacking and used a model of threat awareness that was a decade out of date. Stung by criticism, a few weeks later SWIFT’s CEO promised to review the organization’s security measures and earlier this week outlined a five-point plan in a speech at a financial conference.

On Friday, that plan was fleshed out a little. It will now “require” more information from customers and share that information with its other customers, plus inform everyone on its system of any incidents, and issue “best practices” for “cyber defense.”

Critically, it will:…ctor_auth/

REALIST NEWS – FDIC Completely Undercapitalized to deal wil failing banks

Insure yourself coming?

Hearing: Can Americans Trust that Their Private Banking Information Is Secure?

Starts at 15:00