Trail of Dead Bodies Leading To Obama’s White House Worse Than Hillary’s
Michael DePnto --
By now you’ve probably already heard that on Sunday, September 11, while attending a memorial service for the 9/11 victims, something about her health caused Hillary Clinton to have to leave the memorial in a real hurry. Since we’re told she’s as healthy as can be (recall, she opened a pickle jar on late night TV to prove it), it’s anyone’s guess as to what caused Hillary to outright collapse before she made it to her motorcade.
By the looks of the first video below, she was out cold as her entourage did their best to surround her so no one would see. Allegedly at some point in the scuffle, while agents tried to get a limp Hillary into the car, Hillary lost a shoe, and Team Hillary was so eager and determined to show the world that rumors of her ill health were false, that rather than a single person stopping to grab the shoe that fell before leaving, the motorcade slammed its doors and sped off.