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Health Vaccinations

11 y.o. hiding shots from parents

Case may determine if vaccines can be mandated

Top 5 reasons NOT to get a flu shot

Big Pharma companies control approval of COVID-19 vaccines by having doctors on safety boards – report

COVID-19 vaccine trial participant DIES… AstraZeneca downplays the death and continues the medical experiments on the remaining humans

100% of vaccine study had...

Young man injured by Gardasil files lawsuit against Merck as cases pile up

Exposed: There's a new federal court to handle all the expected COVID vaccine-injury claims

54 Percent of Americans Won’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine, ready next month?

FDA skipping phase 3 trials on COVID vaccines, turning the American people into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s high-profit medical experiments

Pregnant women who DON’T get vaccinated have healthier babies than those who do – so why do we still give them flu shots?

Mandatory Vax endorsed by this legislature

Best way to fight mandatory vaccines is...

MEDICAL GENOCIDE: UK government pushing for more blacks and minorities to participate in coronavirus vaccine trials

BREAKING: Virginia’s State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver declares FORCED coronavirus vaccines for all Virginians

MEDICAL FASCISM: Australian Prime Minister says everyone will have to get vaccinated for coronavirus, whether they like it or not

Pulling your vaccine strings

Why you shouldn't believe anything the government says about vaccines and viruses

Health Ranger update: A government-engineered FOOD COLLAPSE means citizens must practice “extreme preparedness” or be starved into vaccine compliance