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How to say no to your physician

ACS founder, AL Whitney, as a former Respiratory Therapist m

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FW:  March 27, 2013

So people ask: “Why would my pediatrician (physician) strongly push vaccines if they are actually harmful to my child or myself?”


  1. All physicians are indoctrinated during and after medical school into believing that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) are reliable sources of information and effectively serve the function of protecting the public’s health. This has not been true for many years. Corruption, profiteering and politics are now the bedrock of both ‘institutions’. See: Network of Corruption
  2. Big Pharma has essentially taken over orthodox medicine in most countries as many good doctors are willing to admit. See Big Bucks, Big Pharma
  3. Drug reps are highly compensated sales persons. They only know enough about science or medicine to be very persuasive – and dangerous. See John Virapen (former drug rep) Side Effects: Death
  4. Doctors receive higher compensation from insurance companies for vaccinating their patients. Their charts are analyzed by insurance company inspectors. If 100% of their patients are ‘up to date’ on vaccines, the physician’s reimbursement rate is considerably greater. This is the REAL reason some physicians declare they will take no unvaccinated patients into their practices.
  5. Both drug companies and physicians have been given immunity from vaccine related lawsuits by Congress. Big Pharma spends enormous amounts of money lobbying Congress and state legislators (See Big Bucks, Big Pharma). Therefore, there is no accountability or liability to either group for vaccine related injuries – no matter how severe. Repeat: there is no accountability or liability to either group for vaccine related injuries – no matter how severe. (See The Greater Good)
  6. Vaccine related illnesses may not show up for years, or even decades, after the initial injury. Most pediatricians and physicians are unaware of (or chose to ignore) this FACT.

So how can we say no to vaccines and (hopefully) not be bounced out of our physician’s practices?

Most physicians are aware that there is a growing public backlash against vaccines. They have been given ‘talking points’ for nearly all of our objections. First they question the source of our information – not always politely. A favorite comment is that “You can’t trust everything you read on the Internet”. Big Pharma (who now controls both the CDC and the FDA) tracks patient’s objections to vaccines and or other drugs and does their best to preemptively arm physicians with persuasive (but false) arguments. So it is best to avoid the strongest scientific arguments against vaccines when talking to doctors and go on the offense. Print out the Network of Corruption handout and give it to your physician. Focus on corruption (conflict of interest), not science:

Doctor, while I understand you get more money if all of your patients are fully vaccinated, my family and I believe that (1) the drug corporations are out of control amoral profiteering parasites that do more harm than good. We also strongly believe that (2) natural food and lots of Vitamin D from sunshine is the best way to stay healthy.

This approach lets the physician know that you are aware of the greed factor in his/her willingness to push Big Pharma’s vaccinations on all his/her patients. If the doctor asks how you found out about their reimbursement schedule, tell him/her you have a friend who works for an insurance company. Do not expand on that! And, most physicians have accepted that it is difficult, if not impossible, to argue with patient’s beliefs, particularly when they are supported by their family. In some states this is considered to be a ‘philosophical’ position. Be firm and repeat the two objections as many times as necessary. But, be prepared to shop for a new pediatrician or physician. If the doctor is really greedy, he/she won’t see any patients unwilling to comply with their vaccination regiment. It would cost them too much money. Physicians like that have already sold out and aren’t safe to see anyway. But DON’T BACK DOWN. Your health (and your child’s health) depends on your ability to protect yourself from the amoral profiteering corporate parasites known as Big Pharma (that John Virapen brilliantly exposed) that has taken over orthodox medicine – including psychiatry.