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Record number of two-year olds now tainted by the poisonous MMR vaccine

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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June 4, 2013 6:42 pm theunhivedmind 4 Comments

4 June 2013 Last updated at 14:40 Share this pageEmailPrint

Swansea measles epidemic: Record MMR jabs for two-year-olds

Record numbers of two-year-olds have had the measles mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination, health officials say.

It comes as the number of cases being reported in the Swansea measles epidemic since November now stands at 1,171 – a rise of 13 since last Friday.

Public Health Wales (PHW) said the target of 95% for children aged two to have the first MMR dose has been met.

PHW wants to boost uptake of the second dose in five-year-olds from 90% to 95%, warning parents not to be complacent.

The majority of cases in the measles outbreak centred on the Swansea area are aged between 10 and 18.

“We are delighted to see average uptake of the first dose of MMR passing 95% for the first time,” said Dr Marion Lyons, director of PHW.

“It’s fantastic to see that parents of younger children are understanding the importance of this vaccine.

“However, vaccination levels in the generation of children and young people between 10 and 18 is still too low.

“While uptake remains lower than 95% in some parts of Wales, there is always the risk of measles outbreaks.

“We continue to urge parents to ensure their children are vaccinated at 12 months of age or as soon as possible afterwards.”

Dr Lyons stressed the report only reflects the target for two-year-olds and not all age groups.

She added: “Our message remains that anyone born after 1970 who has not had measles or received both doses of MMR should catch up at the earliest opportunity.”

More than 60,000 vaccinations have now been given in total, aimed at reducing the length and severity of the outbreak in the Swansea and Powys areas.

Wales saw only 19 measles cases in 2011.

theunhivedmind on June 4, 2013 at 6:43 pm said:

Dr Andrew Wakefield Defends His Research

theunhivedmind on June 4, 2013 at 6:43 pm said:

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” -Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society p50, 1953

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

theunhivedmind on June 4, 2013 at 6:43 pm said:

The facts of the matter is there is an agenda to get rid of as many poisonous MMR jabs as possible. This will be to make up for the profits lost due to the truth from Dr Andrew Wakefield getting out a few years ago. Nothing more than big pharma (The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries) out for their pockets and control. Notice how they turn on even their own poisons of old to suit their current agendas. Sickening! Utilize homoeopathic preparations, Pulsatilla and Sulphur to help deal properly with measles. Vaccines did not eradicate diseases, it was the fact we had better hygiene and better living standards. Something Bertrand Russell wanted to reverse in order to aid Malthusian population reduction.

-= The Unhived Mind

theunhivedmind on June 4, 2013 at 6:43 pm said:

Homoeopathics for treating Measles:

ACONITUM: Useful at the beginning stages of measles, these children have a high fever, a dry barking cough, and red conjunctiva (“pink eye”). Their skin burns and itches, and they feel restless, anxious, and frightened. They toss and turn.

Apis: In these cases the rash begins but fails to develop fully, and soon disappears, though the child doesn’t feel completely well. Their itching is worse by warmth, and their face and eyelids are puffy.

BELLADONNA: This remedy is often useful at the beginning stages of the measles when there is sudden onset of a high fever, reddened face, and throbbing headache. They tend to be drowsy, a little delirious, and have some difficulty falling or staying asleep. Despite the fever, they are not very thirsty.

Bryonia: In these cases the skin eruptions from the measles are delayed. The children have a hard, dry cough and no expectoration. Any motion causes pain. They may experience some mild delirium: the child “wants to go home” even though they are at home.

Euphrasia: These children have a fever and rash as well as acrid tearing of the eyes and a bland nasal discharge. They become sensitive to light. They have a cough, but only during the day.

Gelsemium: For these children the onset of symptoms is slow. They have a fever with great weakness and a sense of heaviness, both of the whole body and specifically the eyelids. They are without thirst.

Kali bic: These children have ropy, stringy discharges from the nose and burning and tearing of the eyes. Their salivary glands are noticeably swollen, and they may experience stitching pains from the ear into the head and neck.

PULSATILLA: These children experience a mild case of the measles. Their fever is not high, and their symptoms are not too painful. They will, however, have profuse tearing from the eyes and a nasal discharge. They also have a dry cough at night which becomes loose in the daytime. They may have ear inflammation. Although they have a dry mouth, they are without thirst.

Sulphur: Children with the measles who need this medicine have a purplish appearance. Their itching is aggravated by scratching They have reddened mucous membranes and a great thirst. Their cough and diarrhea are at their worst in the morning.