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Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Aug. 15, 2013

(NaturalNews) Did you know that one of the lead researchers involved with developing the two available vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil (Merck & Co.) and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline), admitted back in 2009 that the jabs are essentially useless and more dangerous than the very conditions they are hailed as preventing and treating?


Before the vaccine industry apparently convinced her to change her story -- you can read more about the saga here -- Dr. Diane Harper, a key developer of Gardasil, is on the record as having cleared her conscience about this fraudulent vaccine, which has been shown to be both ineffective and dangerous.


One particular quote, which was pulled up using the Way Back Machine, reveals both Gardasil and Cervarix do nothing to prevent cervical cancer, which is their primary claim to fame. A 2009 article published by CBS News, in fact, which is still available online, reveals the truth about these snake oil vaccines.


"The rate of serious adverse events (from Gardasil) is on par with the death rate of cervical cancer," admitted Dr. Harper at that time, refuting a pro-Gardasil piece published by Slate. "Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year."


Dr. Harper went on to admit that deaths from Gardasil have been underreported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has given the illusion that the vaccine is somehow safe. Beyond this, Dr. Harper dropped a bomb when she told reporters that the public health benefit of getting vaccinated with Gardasil "is nothing," adding that the vaccine has led to "no reduction in cervical cancers."


This admission by Dr. Harper rocked the conventional medical system, which has repeatedly lied to the public with claims that getting vaccinated for HPV will prevent the most common forms of cervical cancer. Because of these lies, literally millions of young girls and now boys, some as young as nine years old, have received the deadly jab since it was first introduced back in 2006.


Beyond this, Dr. Harper is on the record as having told attendees of the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination back in 2009 that the vast majority of HPV infections resolve themselves on their own within a year, and nearly all of them within two years. She also admitted that an extremely small number of people experience symptoms from infection.


Dr. Harper suddenly retracts statements, claims they were made up

But not long after clearing her conscience on this important issue so that she could sleep at night, Dr. Harper basically retracted all of her statements, claiming that media reports citing them were made up. What? The vaccine industry or some other power apparently got to Dr. Harper and convinced her to change her story -- either that or she is schizophrenic.


In any case, the truth about Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix has been revealed, and still nothing has been done to pull the vaccine from the market. States like California and Michigan are actually administering these two vaccines to some children without parental consent, and many other states are "mandating" it for students who enroll in public school.


Meanwhile, there are many natural, homeopathic-based remedies that actually work to prevent diseases like HPV that are being ignored by the medical system.


To learn more about the dangers of HPV vaccines, be sure to check out SaneVax, Inc.:


You can also keep up-to-date with vaccine news you are likely not hearing about from the mainstream media by visiting:


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