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Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines

J.D. Heyes

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Alug. 25, 2013

(NaturalNews) Parents in South Africa could face life in prison if convicted of murdering their baby girl, who died just days after being given what reports say were routine vaccinations.

According to a report at, the child, known as "Baby A," had been given all of her vaccinations on time. On Sept. 25, 2012, when she was five months old, her parents - who were not named in the report - took her to a local clinic, where she was given a total of eight vaccines. She was then sent home:

Baby A's mother told VacTruth that the vaccinations were administered extremely harshly, with the nurse appearing to stab their daughter viciously with a variety of needles. Baby A received eight vaccines in total, the five-in-one vaccine Pentaxim said to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and polio; the hepatitis B vaccine; the rotavirus vaccine; and a vaccine said to protect babies against pneumocococcal and non-typeable haemophilus influenzae disease, Prenevar/Prenvar.

Repeated symptoms following vaccinations should have been a clue

The baby's mother said that after the vaccines, Baby A became very irritable and upset, and that she had difficulty settling down. The next day she was unable to move her legs, which then remained hard and swollen at an injection site for several days.

Amazingly, the mother said that wasn't the first time Baby A's legs became swollen and immobile. She said her daughter had a similar reaction after receiving vaccines earlier, a reaction that again lasted for a number of weeks, and which was documented by clinic personnel.

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The nurses recorded this reaction on Baby A's vaccination card and told Baby A's mother to use a warm face towel and massage her legs. When Baby A suffered the same side effect after vaccinations given on September 25, 2012, Mrs. A immediately used a warm face towel to soothe her daughter's legs and lessen the swelling.

According to the site, by Oct. 9, Baby A appeared normal and was kicking, smiling and playful, but the next day, her condition changed rapidly.

"[My daughter] woke up and appeared to be crabby and running a high fever. She was only was happy if we were holding her and carrying her," her mother told "That day, I gave her Panado and was dabbing her with a cool face towel to bring the fever down.

"At about 15:30 or so I had just finished feeding her and gave her to my husband to burp and as he was burping he heard her gasp for like a breath of air and when I looked at her she had collapsed on his shoulder and wasn't breathing," she continued. "She turned blue and we tried to give her CPR but as we were doing that she was throwing up and still was not breathing."

The couple rushed their daughter to a nearby hospital, where she was successfully resuscitated by emergency department personnel before being placed, still unconscious and on a ventilator, in a neonatal intensive care ward.

Doctors blame the parents

When the couple finally got to see a doctor about their daughter's condition, they were confronted with accusations that they may have caused intentional harm to their child:

After what seemed like forever, the doctor appeared and informed the anxious parents that their daughter had blood on her brain and appeared to have been shaken. He said that the little girl had multiple fractures of the long bones. When Mr. and Mrs. A asked the doctor what had happened to their daughter, the doctor was abrupt, saying, "I don't know, I wasn't there, why don't you tell me?"

Days later, Baby A's condition worsened and doctors recommended taking her off life support. The parents, who were accused of traumatizing their daughter, are blaming the vaccines.

"Baby A's vaccination card showed that at the tender age of five months she had received a total of 21 routine vaccinations," reported. "This is a vast number of vaccinations and it is becoming evident that many babies of this age cannot tolerate an onslaught of toxins, chemicals and poisons of this magnitude."
