What Will You Do If They Make It Mandatory For All Americans To Take An Ebola Vaccine?
90% of the people in America -- with reassured belief and relief -- will enthusiastically be clamoring for the I.G. Farben death vaccines after the kikes, and their kike media, have played with them a bit more just before the run up, which by the way, will kill most of them in the first week, just after their inoculations.
If you have loved ones or relatives that trust what they hear coming from the MSM, or believe what They are being told by their doctors, and the government; that the best safeguard against the Ebola Virus is the newly available serum that the CDC in conjunction with the folks at Fort Detrick in Frederick Maryland, have magically just come up with to protect the public, "best keep your pearls, and store up energy for the fall-out."