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Why does CDC recommend pregnant women be injected with mercury-filled flu vaccines?

Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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Sept. 8, 2014

(NaturalNews) If you believe what the government says, vaccines for influenza have been thoroughly tested and shown to help prevent the flu, as well as complications from the flu, in pregnant women and their unborn babies. But if you look at the actual science behind these specious claims, including the package inserts included with virtually every flu vaccine, you will quickly see that none of this is true, and that flu vaccines have never been shown to be either safe or effective in pregnant women.

In almost every case, flu vaccines bear one simple phrase that defies what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would have us all believe about the nature of flu shots -- "safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers." Every healthcare practitioner should be aware of this fact, as practically every batch of flu shots comes with this or a similar notice. Yet the prevailing belief is that flu shots are some kind of panacea for expectant mothers and their babies.

To date, there has not been a single study put forth that suggests any benefits whatsoever for pregnant women who receive flu shots. Many medical authorities openly admit this, though in a roundabout way which suggests that flu vaccines are safe for pregnant women. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), for instance, states on its website that "no study to date has seen an adverse consequence" from flu shots in pregnant women or their offspring. But this is because no study of this type with a valid design has ever been conducted in the first place.


95 percent of published flu vaccine studies are inherently flawed

Of the more than 200 published studies on flu vaccines that were analyzed as part of the Cochrane Vaccine Field in Italy, an astonishing 95 percent were found to contain major flaws that invalidate their findings. A mere 5 percent, says Dr. Thomas Jefferson, coordinator of the review, can be considered reliable, which suggests that most of what we are being told about flu vaccines is false.

Even the CDC admits that flu shots are "among the least effective immunizing agents available," especially among the elderly. And yet, in the same breath, the CDC is the first to proclaim that the best defense against the flu for everyone older than six months of age is to get jabbed with a flu shot. How can both statements be true, you might be wondering?

They aren't, of course. But few members of the public seem all that concerned about the government's duplicity on the matter. In truth, flu shots are basically useless, as we covered back in 2011 after a study published in The Lancet found that only 1.5 out of every 100 adults who gets a flu shot avoids getting the flu. And then, there is the issue of flu shot safety, which has also been wholly misconstrued by the very agencies that are supposed to be looking out for our health.

A 2013 study published in The BMJ found that, contrary to popular claims, flu shots are "less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed." Researchers from Australia determined that one out of every 110 children who got the H1N1 flu shot for swine flu back in 2009 developed severe convulsions. Many others developed narcolepsy, as we also previously reported.

For more information about the dangers and ineffectiveness of flu shots, be sure to read this full report by

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