We have been talking and posting about the link between vaccines and autism for four years now. We know this is not definitive, and more proof is needed, but this time can we get some real scientific scientists? If your study is funded by Big Pharma, it is not a worthy study.
Where’s all the critics and debunkers now? You defended a corrupt system that damaged thousands of children, and also killed hundreds of them.
We won’t say it (I told you so).
The Ugly Truth About Vaccines Is Coming To Light In New Developments | Collective-Evolution.
Modern medicine and the world community currently find themselves at a moral, ethical and legal crossroads. The recent public admittance of Dr. William Thompson as well as other information being forced to the surface has brought to light very ugly truths that will never go away or be ignored.
Health Professionals Can Now Speak Out
Communities have now been mobilized. Nurses and doctors are now free to come forward and speak of the vaccine induced damage they witnessed. It is unwritten protocol to fire or relieve such dissenters of their positions for showing a soul and voicing disagreement among the medical community. The flood gates have opened as mothers and fathers across the world are pouring endless videos of heartbreaking protests directly against the vaccine industry and the CDC for damage to their children.
The silence of the vaccine damaged children has erupted into one solitary voice for justice that is not to be silenced until trials are underway. William Thompson, Dr. Colleen Boyle, Dr. Frank DeStefano, and all other CDC staff that willfully withheld information or simply said nothing and followed orders will face justice.
History has served us a precedent to follow in the name of the Nuremberg Trials and there simply is no excuse for drawing this out any longer. During these trials that took place in 1948, the world tried and convicted many Nazi’s responsible for war crimes and unethical medical experiments. Out of those trials came the establishment of the Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg Principles as a safeguard against any such future atrocities. Swift justice will be served and the people will not be silent until modern day Medical Nuremberg hearings are on every channel in the country/world.
Legal Action Is An Option
Although brave to come forward, let us not forget that Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Colleen Boyle, Dr. Frank DeStefano and others are now considered legitimate, international criminals awaiting hearing. It matters not what they say from here on out, humanity has enough evidence for proceedings to go forward with a Medical Nuremberg 2.0 if that path is chosen.
The fact that Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Colleen Boyle, and Dr. Frank DeStefano are not in custody is another sad, historically documented example of the failure of our justice system to show teeth towards the crimes of the medical industry. Dr. William Thompson and perhaps the entire CDC have admitted to clear violations of the Nuremberg Principles laid out in 1948. To compound the urgency of this matter to be acted upon, many other international treatise and United Nations doctrines have been breached making this vaccine fraud prosecutable by any nation/country that wishes to side step the apathy of the United States for the good of the world.
Sadly, by the lack of any action from medical oversight committees in the United States, we have sent a clear message to the world that we are the bad guys that either refuse to clean up our own backyard or willfully are criminals like the Nazi’s that sat on the stands in Nuremberg 66 years ago.
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The Ugly Truth About Vaccines Is Coming To Light In New Developments | Collective-Evolution.