Jim Stone
They are live wiping this report and I cannot get it to post as intended. This one has them pissed.
I have tried at least 25 times to post this, and every time they have changed text to make this report look illiterate. This one is important, and I have been struggling endlessly just to get it to post as I wrote it. I have not succeeded in doing so yet.
For what it is worth, here is the Permalink
Gardasil disaster, Jim Stone, Sep 22 2014
I did not realize it, but Gardasil vaccine damage has been widely reported in numerous nations, not only America and Canada. Yet Merck is running the same old lie, that the vaccine is safe and effective. My question is, FOR WHO? take a look at the following:
The nation of Columbia just invested $300 million in the Gardasil vaccine. First of all, if that be the case, no one can make the case that vaccines are not profitable, that is a HUGE chunk of change. The results are now coming in, with hundreds of women passing out over and over again, going through bouts of paralysis so severe they have to be taught by nurses how to breathe when an attack is over. Read about the disaster in Columbia HERE
Japan has banned the Gardasil vaccine, most likely because they have not completely fallen under NWO control and still have the ability to say no. And Spain at least forced a recall of the vaccine after too many women were damaged there as well, and subsequent to this recall has now been called on to ban the vaccine altogether, as in Japan.
Britain has had over 4,300 adverse reactions to the vaccine as well, including severe brain damage and infertility.
When looking into this issue, the mountains of evidence against the HPV vaccine are so high I cannot list them all, so I will approach this differently.
It is obvious that the HPV vaccine is doing intentional damage. The CDC itself admits that only about 1 percent of adverse reactions caused by vaccines ever get reported, HOW LOUDLY does that speak against the HPV vaccine which has logged over 22,000 adverse reactions in America alone? As reality would have it, there were probably 2.2 million adverse reactions. Merck and GSK know full well what is going on with this, The people who own these two "medical" front companies want the damage. It cannot possibly be a secret to them and is so massive and widespread it can only be intentional.
I think I have figured out exactly why women are so often devastated by the HPV vaccine, and it is the three shot schedule, which follows exactly the same schedule as well known anti fertility vaccines, most notably the the anti fertility Tetanus vaccine, for which the administration of Gardasil follows the EXACT SAME SCHEDULE. The HPV vaccine is for population control, no ifs or buts, and if it can cause life long sterility, there is no wonder to why it has destroyed so many women in other ways.
There is no difficulty in finding out who the enemy is. says the Gardasil vaccine has never caused a problem for anyone who was not crazy. So you know what that rag is worth.
The CDC says the HPV vaccine is safe, effective and underutilized, with no adverse effects reported whatsoever by anything other than paranoid nutcases. So when they come to you with an ebola cure, RUN LIKE THE WIND.
Sometimes liars do not know when to stop, or when a lie will damage future conquests. Pretty obvious with the HPV vaccine that an enemy is running the government and using that position to lie to the public from a position of trust. THAT would be an abuse of power, would it not? Ditto for the MMR and now proven autism causing childhood vaccinations as well. Consistent pattern here.
And the American Academy of Pediatrics is Another enemy of our children's future, if the HPV vaccine really is under utilized in children according to them, I strongly recommend a change in the sex ed programs in America, HOW ELSE would children get HPV at rates so high any vaccine could be "under utilized"?
Bottom line? You can clearly see where the battle lines are drawn, and they are firmly between mothers, victims, and whistleblowers, and even governments, and the haters of humanity who have a history of pushing life destroying vaccines being peddled as something benign (such as the tetanus shot) which when administered as an anti fertility vaccine has already secretly destroyed the family dreams of millions of women, even causing them to spontaneously abort pregnancies in progress.
It is a clear reality that vaccine makers have a history of producing products that have explicit purposes not advertised or spoken of, and the onus is on them. Since they are proven liars simply by history itself, producing knowingly harmful products and distributing them in secret, those who are to be believed are those who have been destroyed, and those who bore witness.