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Ebola, My Friend, Is Blowin’ In the Wind. For CDC’s Truth It Keeps A-Changin’

Dr.Rima Laebow

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Oct. 30, 2014

My respect to Bob Dylan who wrote Blowin’ In the Wind way back in 1962 telling us that the times, they were indeed  a-changin’.  Well, leave it to CDC to put a whole new spin on that changeability.

Ebola? Airborne?  Certainly not!

“fortunately for the world, most infectious disease experts remain very skeptical that Ebola will ever become airborne. "This is way down on the list of possible futures for Ebola and in all probability will never happen," explained Ian Jones, a virologist with the University of Reading, back in September.

'We've never seen a human virus change the way it is transmitted' said Vincent Racaniello, a virologist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University.[1]

The propaganda beat just went on and on.  ,  Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Senate in mid-September: "Very, very rarely does [a virus] completely change the way it's transmitted."

All of this begs the question, of course, of whether Ebola was weaponized to be airborne or whether it has actually been airborne all along.  And opens up what the CDC actually has known for quite some time.

Back in August, which seems like Ebola ancient history now, CDC sent out its special advisories to the Airline and Medical industries saying that it was important for people not to allow themselves to be contaminated by airborne droplets from people with Ebola.  That contamination could come from the Ebola victim coughing, sneezing, vomiting OR TALKING.

Cleaning personnel were strongly advised not to do anything that could send contaminated material into the air such as steam cleaning since that would send the contaminants airborne and could contaminate them.

But, these special groups were advised, THIS INFORMATION WAS NOT INTENDED DISTRIBUTION TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.  Shhhnn!  It’s our little secret just between you and me!

So the beat went on: Not airborne, only conspiracy theorists would think it was airborne.  Dr. Tom Freidan, Director of CDC, suited up like a Martian in the Ebola isolation wards in Liberia.  Practicing for Hallowe’en, was he?  Likes dress up? Or maybe he did not want to run the PERSONAL risk of breaking the very, very small number of viral particles necessary to cause an infection (and a much more lethal infection than one that comes from contaminated fluid contact, by the way).

In fact, on my birthday (unrelated to CDC’s actions, but a date I remember), CDC tweeted the following;