Nothing new about anti fertility vaccines, 1970's in fact.
Anti fertility vaccines containing both progesterone and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin have been around and known about since the 80's, and from the beginning it was known that it was the WHO and the U.N. doing it. Early broad scale releases of these vaccines went to Iran and Latin America. This is a super old topic of mine, if people think "hard proof" was found for the first time recently in Kenya, they are new to the topic, this has been going on with HARD PROOF for THREE full decades. Take a look at this Pub Med release dated July 14 1987. New topic? NOT HARDLY!
Pub Med dated 1987 proves the anti fertility vaccine is NOT just an "internet conspiracy".
Here is an article dated 1996 that talks about how a population control doctor feels remorse for sterilizing 4 million women in the Phillipines with HCG laced vaccines LONG LONG AGO. Tainted vaccines are an old topic, but I did not know the topic was THIS OLD:
"Antonio (Sonny) de los Reyes served from 1978 to 1982 in a number of filipino population control agencies. He was in Toronto recently to attend meetings of a Catholic charismatic prayer group.
Mr. De los Reyes, 52, served as executive director of the Commission on Population, the body coordinating the Philippine government's population policy. He was forced out after criticizing the government for targeting the poor in its population control efforts.
Although reinstated in 1986, De los Reyes refused to go back to his old position and instead devoted his life to speaking out against anti-population schemes. Today, de los Reyes is national president of the Council of Philippine Laity. The council came to international attention when it uncovered evidence of a widespread sterilization program aimed at young Filipina women.
Advertised as a national vaccination effort, the program involved the lacing of anti-tetanus toxoids with a sterilizing chemical known as HCG. Thousands of Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 45 were inoculated by the tainted vaccines. Only through the efforts of Catholic church organizations was the tainted vaccine brought to public attention. - See more at:
Here is a document from 1986 that proves bacteria could be used to produce the anti fertility hormones so they did not need human sources for it, and that these bacteria could be used in vaccines to sterilize women:
Bottom line? This topic is so old now that the technology is beyond refined.