The Unhived
No link between deaths in Italy and vaccine: EMA
Thu Dec 4, 2014 12:2AM GMT
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has rejected links between a Swiss-made anti-flu vaccine and deaths of some elderly Italian citizens amid growing concern about the side effects of the drug.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Europe’s drug regulator said that “there was no evidence for a causal relation between the reported fatal events and the administration of Fluad.”
Presumably, 13 senior citizens from the island of Sicily have died of the effects of the Fluad vaccine, made by Swiss firm Novartis.
On November 27, officials from the Italian Medical Agency, known as AIFA, began an investigation into alleged lethal effects of two specific batches of the anti-flu vaccine and issued a precautionary ban on them.
About four million doses of Fluad have been distributed across Italy this year. The drug is also approved in other European countries.
The Fluad vaccine is normally used to protect senior citizens against seasonal viruses.
The World Health Organization says flu shots may not be very helpful in preventing sickness in the elderly, but they can still alleviate the severity of disease and the possibility of complications, including death.
Novartis recalled “H1N1″ vaccine two months before allegedly new “H1N1″ outbreak in Mexico
July 19, 2009
Novartis recalled its “swine flu” HIN1 vaccine in February of this year, two months before the outbreak of the allegedly new and unseeen “swine flu” H1N1 outbreak in Mexico City occurred in April.
The timing of the recall of the H1N1 vaccine raises questions concerning how Novartis could have had a vaccine for the “swine flu” H1N1 virus on the market months before this allegedly new and dangerous “swine flu” virus appeared in Mexico in April. The appearance of the H1N1 virus was allegedly so new and so dangerous that WHO felt obliged to declare a pandemic emergency level 6 even though there’ve been hardly any deaths around the globe officially attributed to the so-called “swine flu”.
As a result of this declaration of a pandemic level 6 emergency, WHO’s vaccine advisory group packed with executives from Baxter and Novartis recommended worldwide vaccination, a recommendation WHO translated into a guideline with legal force.
Now, billions of people around the world face the prospect of a mandatory vaccination with unproven, toxic substances for a harmless virus that has been bioengineered to be lethal.
Novartis is also planning to have MF 59 or squalene in its vaccine, a toxic adjuvant.
Novartis “bird flu” vaccine, which killed at least 20 people in Poland last summer, has “adverse events reactions” listed as its “primary outcome measure” on the database of clinical trials.
Novartis’ CEO Daniel Vassella was at the Bilderberg meeting in Athens this May together with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann. Were they discussing plans to coordinate the activities of the Austrian government, Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary and other vaccine companies such as Novartis to implement forced vaccination in the autumn in response to the media frenzy whipped up by the appearance of a virus in Mexico that Novartis had a vaccine for anyway months before?
It was Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary that contaminated 72 pounds of vaccine material with live bird flu virus this February and sent it out to 16 labs in four countries, thereby nearly triggering a pandemic.
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited
Liverpool United Kingdom
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Inc. has requested their customers to immediately discontinue use of and return any remaining doses they may have from five lots of FLUVIRIN® Influenza vaccine Luer-Lok pre-filled syringes.
Routine stability testing of FLUVIRIN in prefilled Luer-Lok syringes revealed a minor deviation in the potency of the A/Brisbane (H1N1) component of the vaccine. The vaccine met all required specifications at the time of release and has been monitored in monthly time intervals during its shelf life; it has consistently met specification until the most recent test point in early January 2009 that identified a minimal decrease in H1N1 antigen content.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Novartis Vaccines have agreed that no public health impact is expected because 1) all of the affected vaccine was shipped when the vaccine met potency requirements, 2) most influenza vaccine in the US is administered during October and November, months when the vaccine met potency requirements, and 3) the decrease in antigen content is small and would have a negligible if any effect on immune response to vaccination. Revaccination of patients that have been vaccinated with the affected lots is not necessary.