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Gen. Bert Warning: Syringe of Tyranny: You Must Act Now

Gen. Bert

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Feb. 5, 2015



February 4, 2015

General Bert's Warning:

The Syringe of Tyranny Unless We Push Back NOW!

Tyranny in a Syringe: Shoot Up and Shut Up




The shortlink to this post is –


Thomas Jefferson warned us in 1781 about what we are facing today. He said, “Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.”


If you’ve been following the mass media in the USA, you could not have missed over the past couple weeks how the government “public health” agencies and their cronies in Big Pharma and the news business have been pressing a major propaganda offensive demanding mass public vaccination. This time, it’s over a measles outbreak triggered by vaccinated individuals who are contagion-spreaders.


Past propaganda pushes, such as the 2009 Swine Flu Vax Panic (that our Push Back stopped) were accompanied by various state governments mandating the vaccines. We fought the Swine Vax Mandates in court and they failed to materialize, as did the pandemic that never was.


This time the Federal Government is preparing “to prescribe to us our medicines” in the form of a national law that makes it impossible for the States to grant vaccine exemptions. You know that is coming. You can smell it in the wind that brings us the screeching sameness of the sudden calls for vaccines, more vaccines and yet more vaccines.


Obama, Hillary — suddenly the political whores have only one trick and it is with their big John, Big Pharma. They’ve got usually pro-freedom people like Dr. Rand Paul rolling up their sleeves to take the shot; even John Stossel is opining that “government has a role” in getting everyone vaccinated.


Mark my words: we are heading for Federal Vaccine Mandates that will override our hard-fought state level medical, philosophical and religious exemptions.


If we sit idly by on this one, we give the globalists what they want: unlimited control over what goes into our bodies and therefore unlimited control over whether we reproduce, live, die, get cancer and a host of slave master tyrannies.


Are you ready to bow and bend to their deadly needle? I am not.


If ever there was a time for action, it is now.


Action: Tell the government that you will not accept their attempt to force us into compliance.


Here’s you link:


Now tell every one you know about what you are doing and why, urging them to protect their own freedom and future. This web-form Action Item, allowing you to easily let Decision Makers know that you will not cooperate with their devious plan, must go viral. Tell everyone in your circles of influence.




I can think of few more urgent wake up calls than the sudden braying of the bridled media donkeys on every commercial airway telling us how much we need their [worse than useless] vaccines.


Act now while we still have exemptions to vaccination.


Vaccination IS Violation.


Yours in health and freedom


General Bert