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InfoWars nails the truth about vaccines in disclosure video: Dr. Wakefield interview

Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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Feb. 18, 2015

(NaturalNews) Several weeks' worth of vicious personal attacks and fear-mongering later, the powers that be have thankfully failed to convince the American public that everyone needs to be forcibly vaccinated to get rid of measles. Part of it is that there are just too many holes in the official story, which Dr. Andrew Wakefield rightfully explained during a recent interview with InfoWars is because the entire charade is based on an ever-obvious and crumbling lie.

Part of this lie, ironically, involved the media claiming that Dr. Wakefield himself, whom one mainstream media source disrespectfully referred to as the "father of the anti-vaccination movement," had been "discredited." His study on the MMR vaccine, which was published in The Lancet journal before pro-vaxxer crusaders had it pulled, was based on fraud, claims the media, and thus any anti-vaccination view held by anyone must also be a fraud.

Or something along these lines. In either case, it didn't work, and Dr. Wakefield has since come forward to denounce this pathetic attempt at eliminating personal medical freedom in order to keep the herd healthy. Vaccines don't work as claimed; they're dangerous, and every individual has a God-given right to reject vaccines for any reason -- the government isn't entitled to an explanation, though it clearly thinks otherwise.

"What we're looking at is a system that is in meltdown right now," said Dr. Wakefield. "You can only sustain a lie, a falsehood, for so long and now that Dr. William Thompson, senior CDC scientist, has come forward and said that they have known for 13 years that MMR vaccine is causally associated with autism and they have hidden it from the public, from doctors, from public health officials, from everybody... one has to hope that this goes before a congressional committee sooner rather than later."


We don't need safer vaccines, we need NO vaccines

In discussing the issue of vaccines, and particularly the MMR vaccine, Dr. Wakefield and Alex Jones make mention of the need for "clean," "safe" vaccines and medicines that aren't loaded with chemical preservatives, adjuvants and other toxins. Dr. Wakefield, reiterating what he found in his hotly debated study, suggests breaking up the MMR vaccine into individual vaccine components like the Japanese currently do, after seeing how the combination vaccine used in the U.S. causes brain damage in children.

This is laudable; however, it would seem as though the science behind vaccines suggests that they aren't really needed at all. In a recent piece published by Dr. Robert Rowen, M.D., it is explained that vaccines damage the thymus gland, which is the powerhouse behind your body's immune system. The thymus gland not only produces T cells that keep infection away but also creates special immune cells that promote immunity against specific pathogens.

When vaccines are given, production of these primitive thymocytes, as they are called, is greatly diminished. As many as 70% of them, in fact, end up being lost, leaving the person vaccinated without this necessary line of defense against disease. Even if a vaccine is made "clean," whatever that means, the process of injecting any type of chemical cocktail directly into muscle tissue, bypassing the body's first line of immune defense, is bound to cause problems, many of which will be lifelong.

Dr. Wakefield is correct about the MMR vaccine, though -- it doesn't protect against measles, and shouldn't be administered in its current form. MMR does cause brain damage, and it says so right in the vaccine's package insert! And multiple studies have linked the vaccine to autism!

Be sure to watch the full interview with Alex Jones and Dr. Wakefield, deconstructing the MMR vaccine myth, here:
