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Message Sent to Congress About Saving Our Medical Choice


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Feb. 19, 2015

I was distressed to read that both Republicans and Democrats in Congress filed a "Vaccines Saves Lives" resolution last Friday in a predictable reaction to the recent measles outbreaks. The resolution interprets the vaccination issue as some kind of national security threat that would trump my right to make informed decisions about my children's health!


Scientific studies prove that vaccines are not 100% safe -- nor are they guaranteed to stop diseases. From 2005 to 2014, no child in America died from measles, yet 108 babies died from the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine. In the recent measles outbreak among California residents, 12% of the cases occurred in vaccinated individuals.


The CDC calls for more and more vaccines, at younger and younger ages. Newborns in 1964 were immunized against six diseases. Today they are vaccinated against sixteen diseases, receiving one injection at birth and up to nineteen more injections in their first six months of life. So many vaccinations at such a young age are a tremendous assault on a child's immune system. Multiple vaccines given close together may overstimulate the growing brain's immune system and destroy brain cells.


Many of these vaccines contain preservatives and adjuvants. In fact, any multi-dose vial of vaccine is mandated by law to include preservatives to prevent microbial growth. Until recently the preservative of choice was thimerosal, a mercury derivative, which is still used in the flu vaccine. Mercury is a poison -- why is it in a much-promoted vaccine?


The DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccine, given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, contains aluminum. Other vaccines may contain formaldehyde, antibiotics, albumin, gelatin, and yeast products. Consumers and doctors have a right to full disclosure concerning the additives in (and risks of) vaccines.


Congress needs to start listening to mothers and fathers. Parents deserve answers, not political rhetoric! Why not allow the baby more time to develop before the vaccine assault? Why not space out the vaccinations more? Why not more single shots rather than multiple ones? Why not get rid of the nasty ingredients that are not part of the shot itself? Why not also take steps to ensure the independence of federal agencies from Pharma influence?


These are reasonable questions that deserve thoughtful, reasonable answers, not political posturing or tougher mandates. Please reject the recent vaccine resolution, and start listening to the science and seeking answers to these troubling vaccine issues.