J.D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) A petition initiated at WhiteHouse.gov which seeks to prevent federal vaccine mandates has likely become the target of intimidation by the administration through an effort to substantially diminish its effect.
The petition, titled, "Prohibit Any Laws Mandating the Force and Requirement of Vaccinations of Any Kind," was posted at WhiteHouse.gov February 4. Dr. Rima Laibow, MD, the medical director for the Natural Solutions Foundation, an organization opposed to mandatory vaccination, said the petition was an important measure in gaining support for a ban on federal vaccine regulations.
"No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs," the petition says. "I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities, and daycare centers. This also includes adults working in the public or private sector."
As of this writing, the petition had garnered more than 56,000 signatures. The group says it wants 100,000 by March 6. For Twitter and other social media users, the hashtag for the effort, to help spread the word, is #VaccinationISViolation.
"Mark my words, we are heading for Federal Vaccine Mandates that will override all of our hard-won state level medical, philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions," said Bert Stubblebine III, a retired U.S. Army major general and president of the foundation, while on tour in India.
"A test of wills"
An accompanying press release stated that the foundation did not actually file the petition but nonetheless supports it. Officials with the group say reaching 100,000 signatures by the March 6 deadline "is so important that the Foundation has created a special web form action item that leads users to the correct White House Petition page after also sending messages to executive and legislative representatives." That page is here.
In addition, the press release further stated:
While the Foundation usually does not support White House Petitions, the Foundation understands the gravity of a decision to create Federal universal vaccine mandates. White House petition rules say that once 100,000 signatures are obtained, the President will comment on the Petition.
The group noted that a number of pro-vaccine petitions have also been placed on the WhiteHouse.gov site, but that if the anti-mandatory-vaccination petition reaches 100,000 signatures first, "the freedom-of-choice side" likely wins because "decision makers [will] take it as a sign of public support for vaccine choice."
"The dueling White House petitions, pro and con vaccine mandates, is seen by the Foundation as a test of wills between vaccine-supporters and those who stand for health freedom and the right to health self-determination," the press release concluded.
"You are not a slave"
The foundation, on its site, also urges pro-vaccine-choice advocates to take the following pledge:
I am a Vaccine Conscientious Objector. I take pride in joining Dr. Rima and millions of others in declaring that I own my body and make the decisions about what goes into it.
Vaccines are dangerous and ineffective as unbiased science demonstrates. Even if they did provide protection against the diseases they are designed around, the toxins in vaccines are nothing short of horrendously dangerous. So rather than damage my genes and shorten my life through GDS (Genome Disruption Syndrome) and other potentially lethal vaccine injuries, I choose to refuse all vaccines as is my right as a sovereign individual.
"People are concerned about the consequences of being a Vaccine Refuser. It is my considered professional opinion as an attorney that, under the US Constitution, you have an inalienable right to control your own body and what is done with your body. You are a free person, not a slave," said the organization's chief legal counsel, Ralph Fucetola, on his website.
Again, the correct petition is here.