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L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

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March 4, 2015

L.J. Devon, Staff Writer


(NaturalNews) Blindly trusting medical professionals will leave you sick and depressed, disempowered and diseased. Remember: You are your own doctor first, and the answers for healing are all around you!


The medical system is all about creating lifelong customers, not enlightened self-healers. That's why most doctors today will withhold vital information from patients, preying on patients' blind trust so they can run more tests, schedule more visits and cram in more drugs. This allows doctors to continuously treat side effects with more drugs that are just bursting at the seams with more side effects!


Likewise, the vaccination route to immunity creates lifelong customers by teaching medical system dependence. This feeds doctor's salaries and pads the pockets of health insurance companies while boosting the net profits of pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines are not magic potions for lifelong immunity. If they were, then why are today's children recommended to take in over 36 vaccines before six years, when children a couple of decades ago were only recommended to take around 10?


At this rate, the vaccination schedule in 2035 may require children to take in over a hundred vaccines.




Being an informed patient is now disencouraged




This kind of skepticism isn't even tolerated today. Instead, this kind of information is withheld from the public. Educating people on the different kinds of diseases and the evolution of the vaccine schedule is not important to doctors. We're taught to just trust authorities using nothing but brain-dead ignorance (further perpetuated by brain-damaging mercury in vaccines).


An informed patient is a menace to the whole system, a wrench in the medical system's gears. Doctors don't like to be outsmarted by their patients, even though it's not some kind of competition. How can healing occur if the doctor is not transparent with the patient? How can healing occur if the patient can't even understand their own body and the consequences of the pills they are told to eat and the injections they are instructed to take?


As the masses line up for a long list of injections, health self-reliance is more valuable than ever before. Understanding your own body, knowing what it's saying and being able to give it what it needs is the most important skill of our time.


It's also the most eroded and endangered skill of our time.


Dependence on the medical system is at an all-time high, and time per patient is dwindling. Family practitioners have a hard time healing patients because they aren't even listening to the patient and they definitely aren't treating the whole person. They are just covering up symptoms. Doctors have no skills in the healing arts of nutritional, herbal and energy medicine, which correct imbalances in the human body. Instead, they use what they are told to use -- pharmaceutical drugs, which create even more imbalances in the human body.

FluLaval vaccine insert admits to vaccine's ineffectiveness, mercury content and lack of safety testing

When it comes to administering vaccines, doctors very rarely, if at all, show patients the vaccine inserts. These inserts would reveal the vaccine's ineffectiveness. For instance, the FluLaval vaccine insert admits, "Safety and effectiveness of FLUVALAL in pediatric patients have not been established." Additionally, "FLUVALAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility."




What's even more shocking is that the flu vaccine manufacturer doesn't even want patients to read the insert. For instance, the FluLaval vaccine comes in a pack of 10 vials which includes only one insert. This means nine out of 10 vaccine recipients don't even have a chance to see the vaccine insert. This creates a very unethical situation where vaccines are administered routinely without informed consent.


This goes against everything the American Medical Association stands for. Doctors now routinely break the AMA's code of ethics by withholding information from patients.



This AMA's code of ethics is described below:





Doctors are literally breaking AMA's medical code of ethics every time they withhold a vaccine insert from a patient

"The patient's right of self-decision can be effectively exercised only if the patient possesses enough information to enable an informed choice. The patient should make his or her own determination about treatment. "


"Physicians should sensitively and respectfully disclose all relevant medical information to patients."


With that being said, why aren't doctors showing patients the vaccine inserts?


Are they afraid that patients might start turning away from this mercury-loaded poison?


As a society, are we afraid of confessing that modern medicine isn't always serving our best interests?


It's time to get transparent. It's time get real.

