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Vaccine propaganda BACKFIRE: Overhyping disease

L.J. Devon

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March 5, 2015

(NaturalNews) The general population is getting sick of the same old, same old. The people are fed up with the mainstream media's fear-driven narrative about how everyone is deficient in vaccines, how disease is right at the doorstep, how the whole world is falling apart because everyone isn't obeying authorities.


People are starting to realize that they are their own authority, and can take responsibility for their self, embracing their liberty (and dignity) to make their own decisions when it comes to their health and well-being.


For example, in South America, an herb like cat's claw bark can be clearly labeled that it stimulates the human immune system. As soon as that same herb crosses the border into America, it becomes inert. The FDA forces the population to believe that this bark has no medicinal properties. In reality, cat's claw bark is part of my herbal immune-system-stimulating formulas which helps keep me strong through the winter months. If I was still listening to the suppressive, fear-driven media and medical authorities, then I would still be sick, jerked around by this oppressive propaganda.


Media fear tactics and political controversy are backfiring

Deep down, the general population is tired of following along with the status quo. They're tired of obeying, submitting, and getting sicker each year taking the recommended shots, drugs and run-of-the-mill tests.


As the national media politicized a measles outbreak in California and called for mandatory vaccinations, the general population grew even more wary of vaccines and medical professionals. As the measles outbreak was politicized, with lawmakers chiming in, the general population turned away from the controversy. The overhyped measles outbreak and all the vaccine propaganda that followed actually lowered vaccine compliance throughout the US. This is according to a study published in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.


This turning-away effect was also witnessed in 2009, when the mainstream media ran a media blitz pushing women to undergo mammography screenings. The more breast cancer fears were pushed and the more the media tried to sell mammography, the more the public backed away.


In 2006 and 2007, the media and politicians debated mandatory HPV vaccinations for young girls. Rick Perry, governor of Texas, even tried to mandate the HPV vaccine in the state, creating a media firestorm. The more the media focused on conflict and controversy, the more no one seemed to care. Support for HPV vaccine fell drastically.


Recent controversy over measles vaccination brings to mind these controversies and only makes the general population more wary than ever. The Washington Post reveals, "In our study, we found that politicized media coverage was associated with lower support for requiring the HPV vaccine."


"This was evident in the relationship between the attitudes of survey respondents and the media coverage in their states. It was also evident in an experiment we included in this survey. People were exposed to brief news excerpts discussing the debate over requiring the HPV vaccine. Some people saw excerpts highlighting conflict among politicians, some saw excerpts highlighting conflict among doctors, and some saw excerpts that mentioned both types of conflict," The Washington Post relayed.


"For those people who were less likely to have previously encountered news stories about the HPV vaccine controversy, reading about political conflict decreased support for vaccines in general. It also decreased trust in doctors."


On the other hand, the research found "that news coverage that did not emphasize conflict was associated with increased support for both the HPV vaccine and immunization programs generally."


However, according to the research, support for measles vaccination will continue to fall because the damage may have already been done.


"[Journalists] may continue to remind the public of this controversy for years to come, as they have done for mammography recommendations and the HPV vaccine," the Post reports.


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