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Coming soon to Amerika: Implanted tracking devices, forced vaccinations and euthanizing the sick, weak and feeble-minded

S.D. Weeks

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March 7, 2015

(NaturalNews) Oh, the power of the pen, the sword and the needle. Politicians invest their own family fortunes into campaigns with one major goal in mind -- double, triple or quadruple their investment. Most politicians are so steeped in their power trips that they simply lie to everyone, including themselves, all day. On top of that, their decisions that are so heavily based on money are coerced into place by lobbyists from very powerful corporations, just as it was in the days of Adolf Hitler. His "Monsanto" was called IG Farben. That was the pharmaceutical conglomeration that ran the vaccine and death camp gas industry, and that was the HUGE corporation that the USA conveniently DID NOT bomb. Why?

American politicians are quite nefarious. Maybe they were sitting around thinking how cool it was that Hitler could control so many people by making them weak with fluoridated water, zero nutrition, medical abuse, and total lack of freedom and free choice. The Rockefellers actually helped Hitler keep submarines fueled up off the shores of the countries he was at war with. Today, politicians invest in the legislation they choose to approve, and today, most of that legislation involves making money off sick people.

"New World Order" for Amerika: Forced vaccinations in 2016, like by Hitler in WWII

So what's in store for 2016? Can you say "forced chemotherapy and radiation"? It's going on right now, you know. Yes it is. Here's a case in Michigan now:

US doctors and oncologists are experimenting on humans without their consent. Android robots are replacing hospital workers. Vaccinations by robots! "Are you ready for your 10-disease multi-jab, Mr. Jones?"

"As much as seventy percent of the human race will become obsolete within just three generations. Why? Because robotics technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that highly-capable humanoid robots with advanced vision recognition and motor coordination systems are going to take over most menial labor jobs. Supporting this conclusion, a new study just released by Oxford scientists concludes that 47% of all jobs are "at risk" of being replaced by automation systems and robots in just one generation," Health Ranger Mike Adams wrote.

Robot hospital worker video:

Android robots for retail:

The rise of AI robots:

Can "PETMAN" the robot do YOUR job? You're fired!

Per the YouTube description:

The PETMAN robot was developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from the DoD CBD program. It is used to test the performance of protective clothing designed for hazardous environments. The video shows initial testing in a chemical protection suit and gas mask. PETMAN has sensors embedded in its skin that detect any chemicals leaking through the suit. The skin also maintains a micro-climate inside the clothing by sweating and regulating temperature.

On top of all that, we've got vehicle black boxes, smart meters and email spies. We have disappearing people and disappearing jumbo-sized jets. Meanwhile, ending life because of weakness is what is convenient for the government. We fight in senseless wars against fake enemies that the US financially supports, and people are convinced to vote for it. Vote for more war! Idiots. Would you have voted for Hitler?

The forced inoculation nation known as Nazi USA

Mike Adams covered this recently: "Oregonians are about to find themselves living in a bona fide medical police state if State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward gets her way. She's spearheading changes to state law that would eliminate philosophical and religious exemptions for vaccines, thereby forcing all parents to have their children physically violated with extremely toxic substances still used in vaccines: mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and monosodium glutamate -- all still used in vaccines as openly admitted by the CDC.

"Nazi fascism is deeply rooted in the belief that the state owns your body -- a belief now shared by Sen. Steiner Hayward. Under the banner of 'science,' Nazi scientists readily endorsed all the following "medical science" policies while claiming they were all necessary for the 'greater good of society.'"

Plus, if you haven't noticed, criminal legislation that robs Americans of their freedoms often gets passed during holidays, like on New Year's Eve or during Christmas vacation.

So the question presides: How could the US Government euthanize people on a massive scale and get away with it? Easy. Just like Nazi Germany, most Americans think that politicians, Big Pharma and Biotech are looking out for them. Most Americans salute the flag and at the same time think that their country's leaders obey the Constitution, laws and codes of ethics, but they are very, very FAR from that. Western Medicine has become murder, and the word allopathic conjures up all kinds of holocaust-like images. See for yourself. There is a better plan. Know your rights. Stand up for them and be heard. Check out what the blogosphere has to say about all of this.

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